Like I said before, this post is not for those who are faint of connection speed. Unlike before, i don't think any of these are terrible at all. Thank the lighting.
Feel free to make them into icons or whatever have you if you want. No need to ask for my permission. :) However, I ask that for macros and the like, could you possibly refrain from keeping my name on them? Just so it doesn't sorta look like that was my doing as well.
There are 60+ pics of Massi and Fede, and there're more than 120+ pics in total, so this is only part one out of maybe five of the gala pics.
Junior Skaters
Han Yan
Brandon Mroz
Lubov Iliushechkina / Nodari Maisuradze
I loved this exibition. And the fact that Lubov is like, such a wee little thing.
Embarrassingly, it took me until today to realize that SHE was Lubov and HE was Nodari. I would never have guessed.