Stéphane and Joannie visit to a Children's Hospital

Nov 06, 2010 12:59

From the Foundation Planetes enfants malades

Stéphane Lambiel and Joannie Rochette visit hospitalized children at the CHUV!

Stephane Lambiel, who won Olympic silver in 2006 and Joannie Rochette, bronze medalist at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver in 2009, were at the bedside of sick children CHUV Thursday, August 26, 2010.

These two wonderful young people at the top of their game held to offer support to children hospitalized at University Hospital. elite athletes, they wanted to commit to our program "Sport in the hospital" or Adapted Physical Activity, so that all children, even affected their health, can move, spending and progress in the sport of their choice appropriate to their disease.
Stéphane Rochette and participated in physical activities and sports for children CHUV who were delighted to have them with them!

Thank you to Stephen and Joanne for your generosity, your beautiful energy and your love! Thank you to the Club Skaters Malley Lausanne, Ms. Valerie White for the organization, Mr. Fernando Pinto for photos and a generous person who requested anonymity due to which the visit could take place.
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