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meanderling August 16 2010, 03:49:22 UTC
Johnny's put on a bit of bulk! He looks fantastic, imo.

LOL I love the conjunction of the last two photos. "Oh, look, daisies are pretty." "OH WAIT, TREE BRANCHES! FUCK YEAH!"


abelfan August 16 2010, 03:53:48 UTC
He looks so good with the extra weight, not fat at all, just some bulk (dem arms!). Too bad he tweets about needing to lose weight and one of his friends is like "get skinny, do it." Grrr...

LOL I know!


(The comment has been removed)

abelfan August 16 2010, 03:59:13 UTC
Adam Kaplan. I don't know if people know but some of his "dingles" were figure skaters who made it to juniors but didn't advance to senior level, AFAIK. They're Adam Aronowitz, Justin (hehehehe) Childers, and Adam Kaplan. They're not just hangers' on that he met in ~the city~ or something. I think maybe Paris and AA skated at the same rink in Delaware that Johnny did.


meanderling August 16 2010, 03:58:21 UTC
Yup, it's not fat, he's just eating healthier. TBH most skaters are kind of underweight, it's the jumping thing. Grr, Johnnik don't listen to your friends!


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