oh hello

Mar 08, 2010 19:55

Do you have trouble understanding the rules and regulations of figure skating?

Do you feel ~lost in the ~levels?

Want clarification on dress code?

Are you thinking about starting figure skating?

Does Johnny Weir's sheer fabulousness blow your mind?

Why is Plushy's hair like that?

Has the thought, "Damn, how does Magical Space Zebra do that shit and maintain the Prince Charming complex at the same time?" ever crossed your mind?




Well then this is a

I've noticed that some of you have trouble with the scoring system and technical shit like that. I don't blame you, it's complicated as hell. Over the past five or so years I have gained plenty of knowledge and Internet!ninja skillz on figure skating. If you have questions, I can (try my best to) answer them. Or, if any of you fine bitches can help, please do.

DISCLAIMER! I am not almighty like Magical Zebra so I don't know too much, mostly the basics. Please don't kill me. :)

And some Jerber for your time:

a learned scholar of epic 1700's poetry, skating 101, i can't get a real job it'll kill me

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