I was bored and made some timelines

May 19, 2010 20:05

So I had a lot of free time last week and made these timelines of our skaters tittles/medals/whatever

Naturally Tomas is first idc he had a shitty season

I put the most relevant~ tittles, and included some smaller competitions if they won them.
Also obviously the photos are from the same season.

I'll do more with the girls and some couples and moar guys whenever I have time.

Disclaimer: I used their personal sites, ISU, wikipedia and the like, but there are some inconsistencies in some of them, so if I made a mistake tell me and I'll fix it ;D

That's all.

tomáš verner, random idk, jeremy = sunshine, taka-chan doesn't believe in sparkles, japanelvis, j_butt, thnk u 4 ur time, stéphane is prince charming irl, skating 101, dai-sha fierce, only facts live on wikipedia, johnny weir

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