Mar 27, 2010 21:15


Do you still have a dream (not necessarily related to figure skating) that hasn't come true? Something that is more important for you than these moments of absolute happiness that you've lived lately?

2. Of course, I have dreams like everybody, it's what keeps me going on. The most important, it's that my family stays healthy. And I would love to meet Britney.

1. Do you have a lucky charm or a special ritual that you do before competing?
1. I sing before competing, it calms me down. And I have ladybugs about everywhere..

1. Who was you favorite skater growing up?
2. Who is your favorite skater now?
3. If you could go on a date with anyone in the world who would it be and why?

1. Ilia Kulik
2. Carolina Kostner (SUCH A GOOD BF~)
3. Britney Spears, to see if she's really the person she pretends to be.

What are your favourite songs from Britney's first album "Baby one more time" and from Avril Lavigne's 2nd album "Under my skin"?
"Crazy" and "Born to make you happy" for Britney, and I like all of Avril Lavigne's songs on that album. (HE’S AN AVRIL LAVIGNE FANBOY TOO DEAR GOD.)

Have you ever considered stopping single skating and taking up pairs?

No, but I already tried ice dancing and it was cool! (MAGICAL ZEBRA APPROVES OF ICE DANCING, YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID)

2. What do you like so much in Britney?
3. Do you prefer women with or without make-up?
4. Do you like going to open air festivals?
5. Do you also listen to rock or Irish music?
2. Her personality and the way she moves.
3. Without
4. Yes
5. I like rock.


1. I would like to know if you like something you're ashamed of and, if yes, what and why?
2. Which is you favorite Disney movie?

1.  I'm not ashamed of what I like, no matter what it is.  (IKR THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH LIKING EVERYONE)
2. Aladdin, the Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast (THOSE ARE MY FAVS TOO~)

Do you like football (soccer)?

It's not my favorite sport… (SON I AM DISAPPOINT)

Did you like the concert of the first French Star Academy in Geneva in the spring of 2002?

I loved it!

What do you think of animals?

I don't like insects, spiders and such little things, except for ladybugs of course. My favorite animals are the big cats, I find them beautiful and powerful, and I also like the animals that live in the savanna. I'd love to have a cat again, because Sabri's now living at one of my mom's friends and I don't see him any longer.

1. How are you able to create such a different impression on ice from what you are off ice? I mean that when I see you on ice, you almost always have serious, tragic, dramatic programs, but in your life you seem to be so merry and funny. Well, actually I can only judge according to your answers on your site, for instance about the Swiss chocolate helping to spin. Can you guarantee that if I eat ten chocolate bars, I will be able to rock some championships in the coming years?
2. You've named Miss Spears as one of your favorite singers. Would you like to skate to her music?

1. I don't want to make a fool of myself on the ice, (LOL I GUESS THAT’S WHY HE WANTS THAT RED CAT VIDEO OFF THE INTERNET. IT WAS CUTE THO~) I'd rather let other people do that. And yes, if you eat ten bars of Swiss chocolate each day for a whole year, you'll become a world champion!
2. Yes, I'd like to skate on a remix without lyrics of Britney's music.

1. What do you like more: to present or to be presented? What was the most memorable present for you?
2. What do you usually do if you're in a bad mood? How do you raise your spirits?
3. What kind of girl do you like? And what qualities do you appreciate in people?
4. It's perhaps a strange question, but do you like to walk in the rain?

1. Mmmh, it depends. I like to receive presents, but I also like to make people happy. And I still haven't received my most beautiful gift!
2. I listen to music, I scream, I get stressed, I sleep… I have many ways, and sometimes I need to use them all to feel good again.
3. She has to have something special. I don't like "perfect beauties", I prefer girls with character, like Audrey Tautou [French actress who played "Amélie"] for instance. And I like people who are ambitious and energetic, people who know what they want. (WE’VE ALREADY ESTABLISHED THAT AUDREY TAUTOU = GIRL!STEPHANE, SO BASICALLY HE'S REALLY INTO HIMSELF LOL)
4. I love the rain. I dream of lying on a beach, at night, when it's warm and raining at the same time…

1. If you had two hours with absolutely nothing you had to do, how would you spend the time?
2. What's your idea of the perfect date?
3. What is your favorite thing about competitions?
4. What other skaters are you friends with?

1. I'd crash on the sofa and watch a DVD of "Friends".
2. It has to be a surprise for her. I'd take her to a place she dreams of… but it really has not to be organized.
3. The atmosphere between the skaters. It's tense, but just too funny!
4. I get along quite well with all skaters, especially those coming from smaller countries. I don't have any "enemies", but my best friends aren't skaters either…

1. What would you do is you saw your crush/girlfriend making out with someone else?
(a.) grab the said person and beat them to death
(b.) scream your head off and curse in every language you know
(c.) walk away quickly
(d.) pretend it never happened

2. What would you do if you found $1,000,000 in the floor?
(a.) spend it right away before the person who lost it comes back
(b.) stick it in someone's pocket
(c.) turn it in to the lost and found
(d.) leave it

3. What 3 things would you need if you were lost on an island?

Music, a fridge full of good things and my friends… well, then I wouldn't be lost anymore, so if you want you can change that to sun lotion.

4. What would you do if someone was threatening your best friend?
(a.) tell an adult immediately
(b.) sit there and watch the action
(c.) lunge at the opposer and beat them till unconscious
(d.) distract the opposer so your friend can escape

5. What would you do if you were lost in a big city like New York or Tokyo?
(a.) go back to the hotel
(b.) sit in the middle of St. Mark's square
(c.) retrace your footsteps
(d.) scream until your family finds you

6. If you could trade places with one person for one day who would it be?

Britney Spears's producer (LOL WUT)

Has your brother also skated?

He tried, but I wanted to be his "coach" and kept telling him what to do and not to do, so he gave up after a week!

4. Do you enjoy Carolina's skating and do you guys root each other on in competitions?
4. Of course! In competitions, we're together all the time and we support and motivate each other! I love everything she does, she has a wonderful 'touch' that no other lady has! (YOU GOT IT, I GOT IT, WE GOT THE MAGIC TOUCH?)

How's the atmosphere before the competitions? Do you talk with your 'opponents' or does everybody stay with their team?
well, I'm usually totally stressed, so I start singing and get on everbody's nerves! LOL so I don't know if you consider that as 'talking' to the other skaters, but they do hear me!

How do you find the new judging system?

Fantastic!!!… honestly, I really find it great, I especially like the fact that now it’s possible to know what other skaters did in competitions! (OH HOW THINGS CHANGE~)

What kind of brands do you like?
I like all brands! I'm a real fashion victim!!

I had the chance to take a trip to Switzerland and your country really impressed me. May I know what you cherish the most about it? And it's said that Swiss people are always on time - is it the case with you?

What I like the best about Switzerland it's how calm and clean it is... And Swiss chocolate, especially the new Lindt Excellence with nuts and caramel - it's really excellent, it makes me melt!
As for me being on time, no! I told my mom I'd be home by 5pm, it IS 5pm and I still have a 1-hour-1/2 drive to get home...

I was wondering why Swiss skaters are so talented at spinning. There have been so many Swiss skaters that have excelled in spinnng over the years.
Do you feel good spinning should receive more credit in the judges' marks?

Swiss can spin so well thanks to the good Swiss chocolate! That makes them fat, which then creates a better centrifugal force and therefore makes them spin faster!!! LOL No, seriously, Swiss skaters give more importance to the spins, already when they're really young...
I think that the spins are given more credit with the new judging system, that's not too bad, but still, I wouldn't mind getting even more credit - spinning takes me more energy than jumping in my programs.

How did your Spanish Free Programme come about?

I met Antonio Najarro the first time in July 2006, at the gala in Japan, and then again in September. We got along really well right from the start and we came up with the same ideas, and here we go.


Do you enjoy skating in Japan? Please tell me what you feel, eat and buy when you’re here!

Yes, the audience is really amazing. I love to shop in Shibuya, once I had a very expensive ice cream in the Omotesando Mall and it was the best I’ve ever tried. The Prada and Christian Dior stores are fantastic! (THANK YOU THEY’RE DIOR?)

Would you like to star in a film and in what kind of film?

Yes! I'd love to be Gabrielle's second lover in "Desperate Housewives" - I could be her cook for example!

I read on "Ask Stéphane" that you want to be Gabrielle's second lover in "Desperate Housewives", and that you could be her cook for example. Are you a great cook? And if yes, do your friends think so to, or is it only you?

I’ve learned from my grandma and I really like to bake cakes. I think the people who’ve tasted them had a nice experience…

What was your reaction when you realized that you had medaled at the Olympics?

The world stopped spinning. I couldn't see anything of what was happening around me and couldn't speak anymore. My body didn't react and I didn't understand a thing until I was on the podium.

What is your interest in "The Little Prince"? Do you identify with this character and in what way?

I like the way he sees the world, which is totally different from how mass society sees it.

Who is your favorite French singer?

You might think I'm crazy, but I think that out of the French singers I like, it's Jenifer I listen to the most…


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1. I see you are a fan of Roger Federer, so am I! Are you friends with him and do you play any tennis?
2. Do you have a favorite brand?
3. How much chocolate do you really eat?

1. Yes and yes!
2. Gucci.
3. A lot of Cailler chocolate, especially when I feel blue.

1. To whom do you dedicate your victories?

1. I might sound selfish, but mostly to myself. (LAWL. HE’S RIGHT THO)

Do you have a motto?

Semper Profice - Always forge ahead!

"the swiss guy", magical space zebra with wings, My name isn’t Paris Hilton, i'm a real fashion victim!!

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