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Statement from Skate Canada today katiz December 9 2011, 16:09:27 UTC
Skate Canada CEO William Thompson’s statement on the Chan coverage

We were deeply troubled today with specific coverage in the Globe and Mail about comments attributed to our World Champion and outstanding Canadian athlete Patrick Chan.

After considerable research about the development and content of the material in the Globe, we discovered there were many inaccuracies in the piece, including quotes attributed to Patrick which he never said. It was formulated in such a way as to create controversy, where absolutely none existed.

The original article, which the Globe used as a basis, was written by Reuters from an interview three months ago during the High Performance Camp in Toronto. Prior to that interview, Patrick had just returned from a trip to China where for the first time he had the opportunity to investigate some of the roots of his Chinese heritage. As a young man on a personal journey, he was inspired by Chinese history and by their cultural traditions that revere family so highly.

As CEO of Skate Canada, I'm very proud of Patrick and particularly of how he has embraced his family's ancestry. Also, I'm the parent of a Chinese daughter; I can only hope that by the time she reaches Patrick's age, she has the same kind of respect and reverence for her heritage.

To have a national newspaper write an article on Patrick and incorrectly attribute comments to him is irresponsible and damaging to a fine young Canadian. Like Patrick's family, the majority of Canadians are immigrants; this is our country; this is what we're proud of. We respect where we came from but we love where we live. In no way does this make us any less Canadian.

To repeat, we are proud of Patrick. He represents our country well. We stand behind him and we hope all Canadians will do the same.

We have demanded a correction and an apology from the Globe and Mail.

William Thompson
Skate Canada CEO



Re: Statement from Skate Canada today mango_gelato December 9 2011, 16:57:00 UTC
What is this weirdness when the one trying to clean up PChan and PJ Kwong's crap is Skate Canada?

This guy hopes his daughter will grow up with the same respect for Chinese culture and history as PChan? gurllll


Re: Statement from Skate Canada today whitebamboo December 9 2011, 20:43:52 UTC
I'd be curious which were the quotes attributed to him that he never said. The thing is, the original interview (from after his trip). The thing is, the way that article was written, there was nothing about culture roots and heritage, and it was all about what China could offer him materially. I suppose it's possible that the article was edited to come out that way.

One thing I don't get, though, is that although Reuters is American, hasn't the Globe and Mail always been really pro-Chan?

And the business about his Chinese daughter is vaguely offensive to me somehow, I can't quite put my finger on it...


Re: Statement from Skate Canada today mango_gelato December 10 2011, 00:06:27 UTC
I think it's offensive too.

It seems very "it's okay because I have a black friend."


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