Disclaimer, this post has been enterely made with MS Paint for honouring such an amazing web.
Okay, Flo's site actually looks like this, and I'm not even kidding. (sorry, it's huge)
If you click in the fantastic Skate America banner, you can find this:
Thank goodness at least the links work
Checking his 2010/2011 season link, we can see this:
he's praying for a webmaster, I guess
Clicking on one of those random links you can find:
I swear I didn't photoshop it.
FUNNY FACT: If you click in Moscow Worlds' link, you'll arrive to Bern Euros. Flo knows that the shortest distance between two cities is the wrong html code.
Clicking in some other links you'll get this:
I'm not surprised
Let's check now the "Trophée Eric Bompard Photos"
Yep, they actually are screencaps.
this one is my favourite.
In "Tournoi de France GRENOBLE" we can find a misterious japanese link...
I was expecting clicking on it and finding Hentai porn, but no, it's actually a fan blog or something. Je suis disappoint.
The NHK link is actually less dramatic. A bit of fan art here and there, and some action pics like this one:
The classic pic everyone would want in their official site.
And for me the most amusing thing is the visit counter.
105150 lifes have changed after seeing what is being a Master of MS Paint. Your faves could never.