(no subject)

Jun 19, 2011 00:00


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Brian: Yes, I have galas spread out throughout June, so it's good for me to come and train a bit in Paris so I am prepared and in good shape for all of them.

How would you analyse the past season?

Brian: It's ambiguous. It's hard to answer this questions, because in terms of results, it wasn't good, I've done much better in the past. Conversely, in terms of how I felt - I knew this had to be a season of rebuilding, and I think it went fairly well in that respect. I worked well with Veronique, refound technique and also my confidence fairly quickly. This season the area were I really failed was the short program. It caused me problems at the European Championships, at Grand Prix, and the World Championships. But the free - it was a leap forwards artistically for me, a "revolution" if you will, and it really worked, so I take a lot of confidence from that.

Something about the long program being v classical idk

Brian: I was really happy with it. Happy when I was working on it, happy to do it in competition. It was superb at Euros, it enabled me to climb up 5 places, at Worlds it was harder, but still I was 4th in the free program, after being 9th in the short. It was very good, and so it's a program which gives me confidence and also the desire to keep going & try to exceed what I have done in the past.

How are your knees?

Brian: I've done tests, seen some specialists, for the moment it's OK, in the sense that in the off season training is less intense, but... there are still some little niggles, it will need some treatment before next season I think this is what he says, but not 100% sure

What is next for you? Holidays? Summer training camps & creating new programs?

Brian: Normally I'd have my holiday in June, but with the galas and the work on my new short prorgam it hasn't been possible, so I'll have a break in July, not too long so that I will still be on course for the Masters. Often in the past I have needed a break because I've been fed up with skating, but this year it has been a pleasure & I just want to keep going.

And the Grand Prix, is winning the Cup of China still your goal so that you have the "grand slam" of Grand Prix titles?

Brian: Yes, I hope so, it's something which still causes me a little rancor, so I hope I will be able to participate in that competition, and then of course TEB... which has been a difficult competition for me, I have some bad memories from it, but I've also been lucky enough to win it once and it was exceptional, and to do the same again would be fantastic.

Nice (Worlds) 2012, are you already thinking about it

Brian: Yes, I'm thinking about it, thinking about how to suceed there and make an impression at the "home" World Championships.

Last week you were at Cholet for the Handi-Sports project. Tell us a bit about it

Brian: It was very special. What I enjoyed the most was the feeling that everyone there was enjoying it, the parents, the kids, everyone was delighted. And I was really pleased to see the kids with disabilities being able to participate in the sport, in competitions. This is the first time this has been tried but I think in the future it will be something very important for the federation, the sport, even the Paralympic games.

Finally, a message for your fans

Brian ..............My fans, simply, I want to thank them for their support and help. I always believe myself and they do too, even when some others think I am done, and I will prove them correct again in the future

translated by me, sorry for any mistakes etc

brian jewbear

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