May 08, 2011 10:36

Evgeni Plushenko: “I want to become a legend of figure skating”

a moscow newspaper did a great interview with plushy which you should all read right now

A sensitive defeat at the 2010 Olympics, disqualification, commercial projects and a kaleidoscope of star’s life did not destroyed sports passion of Evgeni Plushenko. In an interview with "Moskovskie Novosti", 28-year-old skater told about his current preparation for the upcoming season, and plan for the Games in Sochi in 2014. Also about new programs, realities of figure skating, and his faith in God.

- At what stage is the issue of your comeback to the sport after disqualification?
- Evgeni Plushenko: I think the International Skating Union will allow me to compete. Behind the scenes the problem is solved and all questions are closed. As far as I know, in July will be made the official decision on the ISU Council, that I can back and continue with competition.

- Did you meet ISU president Ottavio Cinquanta during the World championships in Moscow?
- Yes, I did. We met in Moscow, and in Milan earlier, where I had shows. As I understand from our conversations, there is no obstacle to my return.

- Have you already decided who will choreographers of your new programs?
- I have worked with Alexander Zhulin. Also, I have another new choreographer. A young girl. Russian woman. Dancer, which is now dance teacher. With her we have prepared my new exhibition program - this is a trial version under music of group "Scorpions". Also, there are developments in a free program.

- Can you tell something about your new ideas?
- At the moment, I can’t tell you about the details. We will prepare new programs now, and during this summer - we will train and correct them. Testing the programs I plan in the shows. But them will not so much. I have already refused to participate in some ice shows in China and Japan, because I want to concentrate on preparing for the new season.

- What about your old injuries?
- Now everything is very good. I thank the German and our doctors, who advised and operated me. I still have some little injuries and sores, but the same problems have every skater.

- How does your wife Yana Rudkovskaya reacted to the fact that you will compete again? After all, this means that at least three years, you will doom yourself to a hard sport mode, and cut off self from the "high life", to which you are accustomed?
- Yana welcomed my decisions, and she will be with me in all competitions.

- You have all possible titles in figure skating. Would you like to finish your career, becoming surely the first?
- Of course - this is my first intention. Second - I want to become a legend of figure skating, participant of four Olympic Games, and stand for sure on a pedestal.

- What do you think, after a disputes in Vancouver, which way should move the men's skating, there has been a bias towards integration quads into programs?
- Sure. But I have also to adapt to the system of the ISU, to do those "transitions" - links between the elements, spins. In short - I must live today's figure skating.

- Where are you now spend more time - in Moscow, or St. Petersburg?
- I would say this: in Novogorsk, where I train, and in St. Petersburg.

- Your parents?
- They live in St. Petersburg.

- History of your arrival in the sport have already written in every possible way, and yet, how was it?
- In figure skating me, four-year boy, brought my mother. This was at a time, when we lived in Volgograd. She was very fond in this sport, because competitions and championships in figure skating is earlier often shown on television. I grew up nimble, could not sit on the one place, and to direct my energy in a peaceful direction, I was sent to the sports section. I can not say that the choice of my mother immediately liked me. After all, my peers thought that figure skating is "women's" sport. Sometimes they pick me, when I after training come to play football. How well I remember those mocking phrases: "Oh, look, figure skater came to play football." But everything was changed when came the first successes. "We saw you on TV, you skated great" - began to talk all around.

- Is is true, that your first coach was weightlifter?
- Yes, Michael Makoveev. He was engaged in weightlifting, but he was a fan of figure skating. He founded a school in Volgograd, which lasted quite a long time, until the "Ice Palace" is not converted in the automobile shop. When in Volgograd was not anymore condition for training, then Makoveev called Alexei Mishin, and asked to see me.

- Moving the 11-year teen in an unfamiliar city for sure become a test?
- Sure. You understand: came to Petersburg from Volgograd, means - village is limit. I had to to prove my viability, not only on the ice, but also in the locker room. The older guys thrashed me, not too much, but enough. One year, I endured all that, not complaining. Although was happened, that I and cried. And then everything stopped. I was able to put myself, adapted. In general, I am such in my life - I can adapt quickly. Quietly and freely I feel everywhere - in St. Petersburg, or in New York, or in Australia.

- It seems that in Australia you first became junior world champion?
- Yes, I won gold and saving every day, so I bought to all the gifts and myself - sneakers, I thought then, by crazy the price - $ 80.

- Your coach Mishin told that the first time in St. Petersburg you saved every penny?
- Money to rent an apartment in St. Petersburg was not enough, and my mother and I lived in a communal apartment. Mom often go to Volgograd, leaving me under the care of neighbors. There were days, when was not enough money to reach the "Yubileyni" and vice versa. But I believe that someday, I will be able to provide for myself and relatives, because my family never lived lavishly. My dad was a carpenter and builder. Mom sews perfectly. And the first costumes for my performances she sewed. Prior to that, parents worked at BAM's (Baikal-Amur highway) as builders. Mom dragged bricks. So that they needed my help. Once, when I earned the first big money, I bought my parents an apartment in St. Petersburg.

- Before going out on the ice, you are always crossed. You believe in God?
- Yes, I believe. I was christened at age five. i am insisted on this. Persuaded parents. They are the people of the Soviet hardening, and wondered - why? While I have repeatedly noticed in some guys crosses at the neck, and I warmed to it. Badgered, badgered, a few days I went to my mother. In the end, she took me to the church. Since that, God does not leave me. In any case, I believe in it.

source : and translations are from the plushy forums

the kanye of figure skating, first name greatest last name ever, evgeni plegend, walk walk sochi baby, plushenkohnotheydidnt

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