Israeli figure skater charged with desertion

May 05, 2011 14:06

We need a miscellaneous news tag or prison/legal tag or Israeli ice dance tag.

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even ice dance, !!!!!!

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Comments 10

jumpschool May 5 2011, 18:27:48 UTC
OMG, poor guy. He shouldn't have to take the fall because the Military and the Ministry got their wires crossed. Jail?!? Geeze.


knigolubka May 5 2011, 18:50:09 UTC
Looks like the kid got screwed over D: Most likely it's the federation's fault because they should sort out that kind of things. But may be some Israeli can give is an insight.


ancabell May 5 2011, 19:28:05 UTC
well, as an israeli i'm just ashamed :(( lame ass country! if he were a soccer player it wouldnt have happened, but who cares about figure skaters >:(
i'm sure he left without authorization, but the question is whg would a world class athlete in a country with so few of them not get authorized? i served in the army with several soccer and basketball players, and they were barely there...
oh well at least israeli military jail is a joke.. poor guy


abluesky1day May 5 2011, 19:49:01 UTC
That sucks there's such a double standard. But I'm glad he's not going to be thrown into a dungeon or anything, from the sounds of it.


ancabell May 5 2011, 19:58:57 UTC
yeah, its super annoying! :(
no, no dungeon. contrary to what people usually hear, the israeli army is where you get fat, not buff lol...
and i hope his attorney and the federation can sort it out!


abluesky1day May 5 2011, 20:22:05 UTC
I should probably remedy this, but the only knowledge I have of the Israeli army is that one super model went and was calling out another super model, and I've seen the film Yossi and Jagger.
I really hope they can get it sorted too! Cushy or no, sitting in jail probably sucks.


mcrcookie May 6 2011, 00:05:22 UTC
The crosshairs on his chest and this post regarding ~military affairs~ makes me nervous :/

Poor bb. It was the miscommunications of other parties, geez >:(


alek_sandros May 6 2011, 03:37:18 UTC
Oh man, poor guy. Sucks that he has to suffer for other people's miscommunication. :(


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