So this morning I decided to watch last night's episode of Chelsea Lately when I saw that one of their roundtable discussions was going to be Johnny versus Stars on Ice. I decided to transcribe this for the comm.
Chelsea: So Johnny Weir was rejected by the Stars on Ice tour, they're taking everybody on the Stars on Ice tour and it's the only figuring skating tour in the United States and the tour claims they just didn't have the room, but Weir is saying that he was told because he isn't "family-friendly."
Chelsea: He's never come out, officially, right, that he's gay but he's certainly not IN the closet.
Staff homosexual/comedian Guy Branum: I don't understand why guys like him and the gay guy from Ugly Betty say like oh, I'm not out of the closet, I'm not gonna say I'm gay or not. We need that room in the closet for Congressmen and professional atheletes.
Comedian Bobby Lee: My thing is that "family-friendly," the only families that watch Stars on Ice are gay families.
Chelsea: Well that's true, you need to cater to your audience, like there's a bunch of straight people going, 'how do I get those gay ice skating tickets?'
Comedian Whitney Cummings: No, that's true because that's not "family-friendly" but Cirque du Soleil is? It's a bunch of Asian 13-year-olds in leotards, jumping around...
Bobby: That's my family
Guy: All through the Olympics they were like, 'he's so flamboyant, he's so out there.' In a sport that involves rhinestones, he can't be The Gay One. Everyone's The Gay One, okay? At least he's got personality.
Chelsea: To be fair, the Stars on Ice show is sponsored by Smuckers, which is only 2 letters away from not being "family-friendly."
Whintey: But it's also there will be a lot of girls running around in leotards, he'll be the only one that doesn't have an erection so...
Guy: Oh yeah, all those other Super Straight Figure Skaters. Evan Lysacek loves the ladies.
That part was very funny. He knows the score on mongoose!
Oh hai, I just found the clip on youtube and didn't have to transcribe, oops!
It starts at the 2:22 sec mark
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