Tanya and Maksim's new blog's entry

Feb 26, 2011 03:00

Sleep is overrated - so I translated the last entry from Tatiana and Maksim's blog, where the talk about the MontBlanc's Trophy (the won with 199.84 result) and their praparation for the Worlds :D BTW, in the previous entry the told how Steph took Maks for a walk to show around and Tanya had to stay behind to glue rhinstones on Maksim's shirt, lol

the Alpine Gold

Hello, our dear readers! This Sunday we came back from Italy, where we took part in a tournament to qualify for the Worlds championship. We did all we planned and the main start of the year is ahead, we already have started our training for it. And meanwhile we are going to tell you about our competition in Courmayeur.

Tanya: I liked everything. It was our first international comptetion. For the first time I heard my surname with the word "Russia" attached, when we were invited to skate, for the first time I was listening to the Russian anthem standing on the podium. I didn't sing along, I don't know the lyrics yet - need to learn them. That's unforgettable feeling.For one more time I understood - what a great responsibility is to represent such huge and strong country as Russia.

Maksim: Yeah, I liked everything too. There were some minor difficulties with arrangements. We lived pretty far from the rink and it wasn't really easy to get there. The buses had very irregular schedule. But we managed by befriending one driver. He often was coming specially for us, when we asked him to. On the other hand we had really beautiful mountain view from our windows.

Tanya: Very pretty, especially when the sun was rising.

Maksim: It was a bit hard to skate because we had little time to prepare and the height, of course, was noticable. The shot program was very hard, the free - a bit easier. We had the last starting order and it's not easy to come ot when all the rivals barely can make it to the end of their programs. But we decided to skate to the full, because we didn't even know how to make our programs easier, all the elements are complicated.

Tanya: Of course, we didn't lay ourselves out emotionally, we downgraded the levels somewhere deliberately (for example, Maksim wasn't sitting for all three rotations in the death spiral, we made out footwork in the short program easier for it to seem faster like the rest of the program).

Maksim: You probably saw how we made mistakes (touchdowns) in our parallel jumps. The most funny part is that at practice my toeloop was somehow uncertain, the same about Tanya's salchow. But it was vice versa at the actual skate: I failed salchow and Tanya - toeloop. I think it was uncertainty in our physical form speaking. But thanks to our particiaption in shows it's easier to perform before the audience now, to find the contact with the public.

Tanya: Truth to be told, the rink was almost empty. It was mostly only the competitors themselves in the audience. It's a mountain town, everybody, probably, comes there as to resort, to rest and to ski, but not to watch the figure skating. And that's a pity.

Maksim: We don't think about the marks we recieved, we don't compare them to the scores of our competitors at other tournaments. That's useless. Everything depends on the judges brigade, on the level of competitions etc. You can get 350 points at one competition and 150 at the other. And that's normal. But it's pleasing that we hold it between 185 and 200 points.

Tanya: We managed to go for a stroll in Courmayeur. The weather wasn't letting us at first though: it was very humid and wet snow was going. Straight after our free program's skate we wanted to go to the Mont Blanc's top, but all elevators were closed. And only the next day, in the morning before our departure we went there on feet. Walked to the top for about an hour, took some pictures - and that was the time to go back, on feet again.

Maksim: We started to train strenuously this Monday. The focus is on our general physical condiotion. Also we work a lot with a choreographer, we decided to take more additional lessons.

Tanya: We came a day earlier (saturday, not sunday) on purpose to rest and to srart a normal working week then.

Maksim: We are in Moscow till the March 10th, then we with our big team are flying to Japan to Nikolay Morozov. He gathers his pupils there, we're gonna work with him for a bit, acclimatize ourselves, get accustomed to the Japanese surrounding - for nothing to disturb us during the participation in the World's championship.

Tanya: By the way, there's question in comments to our previous entry by tat (person from the site's community): "How are you going to keep the form and the motivation? Because it's important not to burn out, we really want o see an astonishing skate from you at the WC"

Maksim: It's very important to go into a competion in the best physical form: not to over- and not to underdo the training. It's, of course, a concern for a coach. And our concern is to execute Nina Mozer's plan and to trust in it. So far this plan works. It seems like we chose the right way this season. We set a small goal before us, reach it and place the next one and so on. This way we don't burn out and save our strengh for the World's championship.

And that's it by now! See you soon! In the next entry we answer your questions with plaesure! So ask! Stay healthy!

Tanya and Maksim


well at least he has stephane, your russian overlords, trankov/volosozhar, i don't even know what a pairs skate is

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