Please for the love of Plushenchrist let this work~

Feb 24, 2011 19:31

A few of the categories have greater than 10 nominations, and for the actual poll, I'd prefer to just do 10 nominations per poll, so we're going to narrow a few of these down to just 10. A few of these have 2 or 3 “questions” in each separate poll consisting of 2-3 groups of nominees. Please vote for one nominee in each group and the top 10 vote-getters will go on to the final poll, which I hope to post in the next few days. I’m sorry this took so long to get put up!

For the videos in this post, I just posted links to YouTube. I am a friggin' dim-bulb when it comes to HTML, but I hope to figure out how to put YouTube videos in the polls themselves by the time I get around to making the final polls (I'd like to thank dimensionwitch and pourtant for the HTML help and the support!)


Poll Best Tag in ONTD_Skating


Poll Best Bromance

Best Macro

Poll Best Macro

Best Gif

Poll Best Gif

Most Emotional Program

Poll Most Emotional Program

Most Literal Costume

Poll Most Literal Costume

lol i don't evan, figure skating: our national sport, i'll make a stan out of you, really???, don't have time for this mickey mouse bs, i'm whelmed right now, incoming stan war, hector = ontd_skating, borders on mind boggling, ontd_skating where dreams come true, why is this post allowed? why?, a rare find, excite us and me, fuckload of skaters in this post, post or die, fuck me it's good, figured out how to work the google, damn you'se a sexy bitch, i can't get a real job it'll kill me, teaching some hussy how to skate, thnk u 4 ur time, ~skating deathmatch, give us face, make yourself a fun poast., gotta catch em all, you smell like a winner!, time is fail, #macros, this ice has not been properly zambonied, be all the slore you can be, i did not ride any cheetahs, keep on broing, i don't want to scroll okay, brb _skating fap party, i am hungryyy give me a sausagee, this is a disastuh, for make benefit glorious nation, people here is so weird in a good way, what don't you fucking understand, o___o, teamwork makes the dreamwork, you're a tacky ass bitch, #gifs, i felt high heartbeats, k whatever it's the truth.

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