Aljazeera: Fault Lines investigates the forces behind the so-called war on women in the US. (TW)

Sep 09, 2012 21:47

Possible trigger warning for "aborted fetus" photos and anti-choice rhetoric

It has become one of the most vicious, important and divisive battlegrounds in the 2012 US presidential election.

Since it was legalised in 1973, the issue of abortion has polarised the US, but now the battle has been taken to a new level.

"What is abortion? Fundamentally it' ( Read more... )

al-jazeera, mitt romney, abortion, war on women

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Comments 85

ljtaylor September 10 2012, 12:25:14 UTC
The US has seen more anti-abortion violence than any other country in the world. Since 1993, at least eight abortion providers, including four doctors have been killed. And there have been over 200 arsons and bombings against reproductive healthcare clinics since 1977.

Summarises perfectly why I scoff at the term "pro life" and its belief that I am somehow an advocate of genocide.

The first time I ever heard about abortion I must have been what, 11 or 12? And one of the first things I remember feeling on the issue was relief that childbirth was an option.


bonesnapdeez September 10 2012, 13:17:41 UTC
Summarises perfectly why I scoff at the term "pro life" and its belief that I am somehow an advocate of genocide.

Not to mention the fact that I've never heard "pro-lifers" protest the U.S. military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan (or the U.S.-funded violence in Palestine) - which has directly lead to scores of maimed and killed children. Nor have they commented on the use of enriched uranium during the Iraq conflict, which is directly linked to severe birth defects. Nor have they actively worked to fund child-welfare programs in their own control. Nor have they tried to make birth control available and accessible to low-income women.


ljtaylor September 10 2012, 13:29:14 UTC
To the average pro-lifer death is a-OK if the victim is non-white and/or poor. Also birth control is irrelevant when you can just not have sex, right?

Pro-lifers are usually overwhelmingly pro-gun ownership, particularly in the case of needing to shoot trespassing teenagers on their lawns. Innocent children? Only whilst being gestated, of course.


bonesnapdeez September 10 2012, 14:14:52 UTC
control = country.

Spelling/grammar fail! :x


blackjedii September 10 2012, 13:15:08 UTC
hey, hey, sweetie...

I know you're a youngin and all but you want to know how to get rid of abortions?

Hand out condoms instead of Dead Baby Photos.

Tell them it's okay to talk about sex and how to have sex safely. And get your facts about birth control straight too.

I think you'll have better success.


dearmisterecho September 10 2012, 13:25:15 UTC
nice icon, OP ;)

God, I hate these dipshits.

Basically, if they follow their logic all the way through, then they are saying that my mother should have died that I should have never been born. She had an ectopic pregnancy before having me, and if getting rid of a fetus/embryo is ~murder~ and that all pregnancies should go to full term, well then THAT WOULD HAVE FUCKING KILLED MY MOTHER WHEN THE EMBRYO WOULD HAVE GROWN AND BURST HER FALLOPIAN TUBES.


Oh, but if they would have ~allowed~ my mother to have an abortion, well then they're fucking worthless hypocrites who need to stfu and stfd.

This shit makes me so angry, I could scream.

... )


dearmisterecho September 10 2012, 13:27:15 UTC
And oh and they do this because they LOOOOVE babies. Yeah, FUCK YOU AGAIN, my mother was told she had a 50% chance of having another ectopic pregnancy, but SHE WANTED TO HAVE ME SO BAD SHE TOOK THE RISK.



romp September 10 2012, 17:29:23 UTC
Yeah, I wish the anti-choice people could *feel* how personal this is, how it affects the lives of women who are loved and needed.

And that's a nice birth story. Mom as risk-taking hero!


angi_is_altered September 10 2012, 13:42:24 UTC
Perfect use of gif!


(The comment has been removed)

celtic_thistle September 10 2012, 22:14:57 UTC
MTE, it's disgusting.


kyra_neko_rei September 11 2012, 01:39:09 UTC
I'm now imagining a protest of them with signs asking the guy, "WHERE'S YOUR UTERUS?"


etherealtsuki September 11 2012, 05:31:18 UTC
Well, some men are affected by reproductive rights too.

But yeah, if you're a cis man, I don't want to hear shit.


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