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lamardeuse September 9 2012, 22:33:16 UTC
Pretty much sounds like the Canadian military too. The Tory government here loves to jerk off about how much it supports the Forces, but they're much better at sending them to die in Afghanistan than equipping them properly or taking care of them when they come back.


mirhanda September 9 2012, 22:56:30 UTC
Here too, the right wing is all "SUPPORT THE TROOPS" meanwhile, soldiers are having to provide their own body armor. Something's not right.


Sorry, I don't see how papasha_mueller September 9 2012, 23:39:37 UTC
you've appeared to come to the conclusion the said drinks cooler serves as body armor. Shall it be the case, I guess the local Edissons would opt for something more reliable.

It's Afghanistan, remember? I't hot out, and helicop is mostly metal. Maybe the aircon was out of service, or there was no aircon at all.

It probably was used as a seat because of it's size and lack of dedicated space inside?


ljs_lj September 10 2012, 16:31:09 UTC
mirhanda is referring to the fact that the American military has not been outfitting US soldiers properly, with substandard or no appropriate body armor. Military families had fund raisers to buy necessary items privately and ship them to deployed soldiers. Meanwhile, the conservative politicians crow to the sky about how much they love soldiers and support them. There was an article about this here on ONTDP sometime in the last year.


Hmmm... Thank you. papasha_mueller September 10 2012, 19:15:56 UTC
I do not discuss here neither the features of Chinooks, nor why they're where they are now, etc.
I do not dispute the political and technical gambling on the subject, either.

I've meant to say that I don't understand the logic:
1. The OP header was about drink cooler.
2. Lamardeuse in his comment speaks of 'proper equipment'.
3. Mirhanda responds, refferring to 'body armor'.

It is true thou that since Nam the helicopter crews used extra flak jackets and helmets as an extra protection for their gluteus maximus from the bullets, fired by enemy from the ground...


ljs_lj September 11 2012, 04:24:42 UTC
Neither comment was really about the 'equipment' - they were about the evil of conservative politicians playing their 'love for the troops' to the citizenry, and then turning around and doing the exact opposite, with examples from their respective countries (Canada - Tory government, the US - right wing politicians). It has nothing to do with the specifics of Chinooks or that the article title mentions a beer cooler - to think that those first two comments were specific to the beer cooler is to be obtuse. They illustrate parallels across nations - if you "do not dispute the political and technical gambling on the subject", then this should be obvious to you.


kira_snugz September 10 2012, 00:58:16 UTC
Our guys tend to just make everything out of gun and duct tape though, beer coolers around the CAF tend to end up full of actual beer. Or empty beer bottles, melted ice and a little bit of barf that no one will admit to.

They also have seriously strict rules about jury rigging stuff in actual air craft. They might pass you a tent made out of tape with a couple extra rolls in case of rain, but that stuff doesn't fly in airplane maintenance. (that may now be a horrible pun, but its meant in seriousness)


koken23 September 10 2012, 01:29:53 UTC
Jury rigging happens. It's normal it's accepted, it's not even a thing...but you'd kind of hope that it didn't happen with complicated machines that spend hefty chunks of their operational time several storeys in the air!


romp September 10 2012, 04:52:22 UTC
OT: today I learned that "jerry rigged" is a blend of jerry-built and jury-rigged!


kira_snugz September 10 2012, 21:46:59 UTC
ooh i did not know that!! awesome!!


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