Welcome to Hell: Philadelphia Has a Serious Case of Post-Traumatic Stress DisorderNorris Square is both lovely and out of place-a park interrupting trash-strewn streets and dirty concrete with a sudden surprising burst of green. Elegant decaying townhomes surround the square and convey the neighborhood’s history-its prosperous origins and decades
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Referring back to Reynosa: as poor as those areas are, they were a lot safer than a bad inner-city area in the U.S. for a couple of reasons. One, most people were literally too poor to have anything worth stealing or even to afford drugs themselves (although there was some drug use). Two, there was little gang activity in the colonias we worked in, and those few gangs there were didn't mess with the mission works. We even met some of the local branches of the Gulf Cartel who knew the pastor: they were actually very respectful toward and grateful for mission work.
But yeah. I admit I haven't ever seen the really bad areas like the article mentions, and that probably affects how perfect my understanding of them is.
I've heard less gunshots up here in 9 months than the 2 years I lived in Point Breeze.
But you won't catch me walking around that side of Front Street as a precaution because I don't know what to expect some nights but at the same time you couldn't pay me enough to live at Kensington and Allegheny area or Frankford by Margret-Orthodox Station.
Philly is a hot mess but it comes down to the failing of the government not the people who live there. Because no matter how shitty or scary a neighborhood is, it comes down to what your block is like. My block captain scared away all the hookers and corner boys and has a camera installed in his window to look down the block.
Urban Planning = schools + businesses + housing prices + median income + police/drug presence
I cannot begin to go into details on what kinds of stores and schools you could find in neighborhoods that are correlated to the crime/drug/housing prices
The "better" the neighborhood gets, the more stores that pop up that are not bodegas or Chinese take out
Don't you think that calling the people who are trying like Hell to understand and to help fix the problems- the problems that by their very nature may be unfixable- is just a bit ungrateful?
That doesn't specifically apply to Philly? Ok, I accept that. But c'mon- no need to get so angry about an honest mistake.
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