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tiddlywinks103 August 27 2012, 02:08:27 UTC
I think laws need to be put in place that caps the amount of money spent on presidential races. And then voters can observe just where the percentage of that allotted amount came from, to see exactly where and how that financial support came from. This large waste of money is just so highly indicative of the problems in our nation, where a college student goes into crushing debt for $100, 000+, yet candidates throw this money away in a day, cry for more from voters and big companies, then turn around and say they will help this student get school cheaper. It just seems lowering wasteful spending starts at home. It's like monopoly money, at this point.


etherealtsuki August 27 2012, 02:23:23 UTC
Too bad the SCOTUS okayed all of this shit really.


tiddlywinks103 August 27 2012, 02:31:30 UTC


lolahead August 27 2012, 15:26:16 UTC
It would be nice if the candidates could only campaign for a set amount of time too like they do in the UK. I mean, do we really need a full year of this? It seriously drives me insane how much money is thrown away.


carmy_w August 27 2012, 16:51:28 UTC
OH GOD YES! I'd really like our campaigns to be limited to 6 months. Either that, or one month before the primary (and have ALL the primaries be in the same month) and then 2-4 months before the national election. I don't know how that would change the canvassing, though; would places like Kansas get any ads at all? Or would the politicians just skip over the solid blue/solid red states even more than they do already?


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