Racism, Bigotry and the Death of Respectable Conservatism

Aug 25, 2012 22:25

For the most part, I’ve tried to be restrained ( Read more... )

race / racism, usa, tim wise, barack obama

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angelachibayuy August 26 2012, 07:33:45 UTC
This is brilliant. Something I wish people would read fully and take to heart but like other posters have said, they won't.

I don't live in the US now and have no intention of voting because I am from NY and know where the ballot will go but I am still shocked everytime I Hear something about the election. It's pretty hard to take criticisms of the president seriously when they come from people who seem to be wanting to say the N-word in the most polite way possible.


bellichka August 26 2012, 15:50:15 UTC
Where in NY are you from? I'm from NY, too, and I was thinking abt trying to convince my father not to vote for Romney, but then I realized that the state is going to go Dem anyways, and it'll only serve to piss my father off at me.


angelachibayuy August 26 2012, 22:12:39 UTC
I'm from Rochester but currently living in Japan. Have to say you're the first person to not say "You have to vote or you can't have an opinion!"

Probably best in the case of your father, and mine too though he is in another state, to just give up sometimes. I know I have. It's impossible to convince someone who seriously listens to O'Reilly and Limbaugh that just because you say something different than them does not mean you are brainwashed by the liberal media.


bellichka August 26 2012, 23:26:51 UTC
Cool beans, I'm from the Rochester area too. Just finished up grad school at Fisher, living out in Wayne County now with the parents. And yeah, with NY it's just pointless b/c I know it's always going to go Dem b/c of the City. Now, if you were in Ohio or Pennsylvania, we might be having a different conversation... :P


bellichka August 26 2012, 23:29:09 UTC
Also, may be in Japan next summer. A friend of mine is trying to convince me to do the Trans-Siberian with him. We'd fly to London, train to Moscow or St. Pete's, train across f'king Russia, then ferry from Vladivostok to Tokyo, spend a few days in Tokyo, then fly back to Boston via Vancouver or Toronto. It would be absolutely insane, but amazing.


teacoat August 26 2012, 23:21:10 UTC
I don't live in the US now and have no intention of voting because I am from NY and know where the ballot will go

What do you mean?


angelachibayuy August 26 2012, 23:58:27 UTC
New York is a very obvious blue state. Sure there are a lot of conservatives, more in rural areas than city, but there are so many urban areas with liberal populations that pretty sure even if the whole state voted red the electoral college would consider it a fluke and vote blue. So there is no need for me to vote and I don't really have the free time to apply for and do the absentee ballots.


teacoat August 27 2012, 00:04:37 UTC
Ahh, I see. Although, I think it's always important to remember that there are more than just the national elections. The outcomes of state and local elections can be just as important, and are often a lot more contested. But of course no one's obligated to vote! And absentee ballots usually only get counted in cases where the results from the "normal" ballots are really close, so often times it doesn't even matter.

Also, I just looked at your profile and holy shit, you're living in Handa? Like, Handa, Aichi Prefecture?


angelachibayuy August 27 2012, 22:23:05 UTC
I used to live in Aichi x_x I never changed my profile. I live just outside of Tokyo now. And I more wonder how on earth anyone knows what Aichi is O_o, and especially Handa. Unless one has lived there?

And yeah, I know ballots like mine are important for state and local but since I don't know about those issues I am probably not the best to vote for them. I really don't know too much even about the Presidential race except one candidate is a douche and the other seems a lot nicer. Which is a sad sad situation when that is your reasoning for voting.


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