Pat Robertson: Don’t adopt sexually abused children that could grow up ‘weird’

Aug 16, 2012 22:39

Televangelist Pat Robertson on Thursday cautioned his viewers to think twice before adopting disadvantaged children that had been sexually abused or deprived of food because they could grow up “weird.”

During Thursday’s edition of The 700 Club co-host Kristi Watts read a letter from a woman who wanted to know why men stopped dating her when they learned that she had adopted three daughters from three different countries.

“Can I answer?” Watts asked. “I was going to say because they’re dogs. … That’s just wrong on every level.”

“No, it’s not wrong,” Robertson disagreed. “A man doesn’t want to take on the United Nations, and this woman’s got all these various children and blended family. What is it?”

The TV preacher then told a story about his “dear friend” who had adopted a son with brain damage and the boy “grew up weird.”

“You just never know what’s been done to a child before you get that child,” he explained. “What kind of sexual abuse, what kind of cruelty, what kind of food deprivation, etc., etc., etc.”

“So, you’re not a dog because you don’t want to take on that responsibility,” Robertson added. “You don’t have to take on somebody else’s problems.”

“OK, let’s get to the next question. I’m in trouble.”

Source: The Raw Story. Video at source.

Dear gods. Fuck him so hard. At least his co-host was in the right. And wait - this just registered - on the video, the woman writing in says the guys would be okay with the kids if they came with 'child support'. God's teeth.

christianity, religion, child abuse / csa, pat robertson, race / racism, adoption, sexual assault, special needs, fuck this guy, children

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