Swedish foreign affairs minister is a troll

Aug 09, 2012 18:31

Belarusian TV calls Carl Bildt “internet troll”

State TV channels showed reportages about the recent diplomatic row.

Official propagandists gave generous epithets to insult Swedish politicians, first of all to foreign minister Carl Bildt. Stockholm was accused of “political hysteria” and carrying out a “destructive policy” towards our country.

Politologist Yury Shautsou called Stefan Eriksson “the most unsuccessful diplomat ever”. The ambassador was accused of “limiting his contacts to a narrow circle of marginal persons that predetermined the unenviable end of his diplomatic mission”. Journalists said the Swedish foreign minister is “constantly trolling on Twitter”.

Belarusian propogandists also came down on Karlsson, a hero of a children's book by Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. According to them, Swedes do not like Karlsson considering him a rude man and lier.

The measures taken by the Belarusian MFA were called wise and grounded.

We remind that Belarus took a decision to withdraw its embassy personnel from Sweden. The Belarusian MFA says the reason for this step was the expulsion of two Belarusian diplomats from Sweden. It happened after accreditation for Swedish ambassador to Minsk Stefan Eriksson was not renewed.

The diplomatic row came after the Swedish teddy bear drop.

As charetr97.org already reported, a light Swedish aircraft overflew the Belarusian border on July 4. Teddy bears with pro-democracy labels were dropped from the plane over the town of Ivyanets and on the outskirts of Minsk. The Belarusian authorities refused to admit the fact of flight until July 26 saying “the investigation was under way”. Photographer Anton Surapin, who published photos of teddy bears found near Ivyanets on the internet, and estate agent Syarhei Basharymau, who rented an apartment to the Swedes, were detained and charged with aiding the illegal border crossing. Both may face up to seven years in prison.

Lukashenka dismissed head of the State Border Committee Major General Ihar Rachkouski and commander of the Air and Air Defence Forces Major General Dzmitry Pakhmelkin.

source: http://www.charter97.org/en/news/2012/8/9/56570/

diplomacy, trolls gone wild, concern trolls, belarus, sweden

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