"Health cuts are killing me" Sobbing cancer patient denied treatment tells David Cameron

Aug 09, 2012 09:16

DAVID Cameron was yesterday confronted by a sobbing cancer sufferer demanding to know why he is spending £12billion on aid while she cannot get treatment.

“Anna”, 68, spoke out after figures showed that the NHS faces a third year of cuts despite Mr Cameron’s pledge to keep pumping money into it.

She said she needed a £250,000 course of treatment in Germany because an allergic reaction had forced her to stop her NHS chemotherapy

“Anna” - using a false name because she has not told loved ones she is ill - said in a message recorded for a radio appearance by the PM: “I’m a cancer victim, or patient, waiting for treatment that isn’t on the National Health

“My local health authority is begging charities for my treatment.

"I had my last chemotherapy in May and it is a horrible feeling, waiting for £250,000 when they are giving billions away abroad. It is not fair - I need funding now.”

The squirming PM said extra drugs were being made available and falsely claimed NHS spending was rising.

He said the UK had a “moral obligation to help people in other countries even when times are tough”.

“Anna”, from Finchley, north London, who has non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, later said he should make sure Britons are cared for before trying to solve the world’s problems.

She added: “I would say to him if your family is starving you wouldn’t go and feed your neighbours.”

The PM has angered many in his own party by pledging to increase aid from £9billion to £12billion to meet a UN target of each country contributing 0.7% of its earnings.

When LBC host Nick Ferrari pointed out that many Britons cannot afford to heat their homes he claimed the Government is trying to help them too and pointed to what aid has achieved.

“One thing we’ve done over the last couple of years is invest in vaccines and immunisation for children in the poorest countries,” he said.

“That has probably saved the lives of about three million children.”

But fellow Tories want the PM to freeze or cut aid and three ex-diplomats branded the 0.7% target “irresponsible”.

The Health Department said it was confused by Anna’s account because it sounded as if the treatment she needs should be covered by the cancer drugs fund.

Shadow Health Minister Liz Kendall pulled Mr Cameron up for saying that NHS spending had risen when it had fallen.

She said: “This Government must come clean about the real effect its cuts are having on the NHS.”

Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/david-cameron-challenged-on-lbc-radio-1239533

OP: Labour increase funding on the NHS because it was their initiative while the Tories cut funding because they don't like it. Nye Bevan who devised the health service famously said that the Tories were 'lower than vermin'. Further comment would be superfluous.

Anyway we need the money to give to countries overseas that have space programmes to pay for.

uk: conservative / tories, health care, cancer, fuck this guy, uk, nhs, spending

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