AZ Bisexual Politician Sinema Among Those Praised For Standing Against Anti-immigrant Demagoguery

Jul 22, 2012 19:13

"Many brave people have fought back against Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s anti-immigrant campaign. Now, with a lawsuit under way in Phoenix, their work is finally being recognized.'" ~Lawrence Downes 21 July 2012 NY Times

Among the eight prominently featured in a major Sunday New York Times article on the foolish right-wing xenophobic mess currently unraveling in Arizona is Kyrsten Sinema an out bisexual politician who came to prominence in Arizona for her many years of leadership in the fight for LGBTQ rights, most notably marriage equality. In 2006 she chaired "Arizona Together Coalition", the statewide campaign that defeated Proposition 107 which would have banned the recognition of same-sex marriage and civil unions in Arizona. In 2008, she also led the campaign against Proposition 102 a less draconian law that still banned same sex marriage & civil unions that unfortunately did pass.

In 2010 Sinema was one of only two out LGBTQ elected officials picked as one of Time Magazine's "40 Under 40" where they said, "In an epic election cycle, a new generation of civic leaders is already at work trying to fix a broken system-and restore faith in the process. Meet the rising stars of American politics".

In Arpaio’s Arizona, They Fought Back In the Arizona Legislature, an elective body of astounding dimness, one of the few bright lights was Kyrsten Sinema, who as a state senator gave a blistering critique of S.B. 1070, the state’s radical, Arpaio-inspired immigration law. (She sponsored several bills to rein in the abuses of Sheriff Arpaio and his ally Mr. Thomas, the county attorney, though her colleagues didn’t go along.)

Ms. Sinema, who is a lawyer and on the faculty of the Arizona State University School of Social Work, debated the law for hours with its sponsor, Russell Pearce, ruthlessly exposing its many legal flaws. The law was later eviscerated by the United States Supreme Court, too. Arizona voters eventually recalled Mr. Pearce.

Today, Ms. Sinema [Ed Note: who is being actively supported by the Victory Fund ] is running for US Congress.
Look everyone. This is what a Bisexual Political Leader looks like!

Sources: NY Times, Time Magazine,Sinema For Congress, Victory Fund

election 2012, undocumented immigration, citizenship, civil rights, immigration, feminism, arizona, democrats, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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