Ann Romney: "We've given all you people need to know.”

Jul 19, 2012 16:54

Ann Romney dismissed concerns about her husband’s tax returns Thursday, contending that the two of them have “given all you people need to know.”

“You know, you should really look at where Mitt has led his life, and where he’s been financially,” the potential first lady said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” “He’s a very generous person. We give 10 percent of our income to our church every year. Do you think that is the kind of person who is trying to hide things, or do things? No. He is so good about it. Then, when he was governor of Massachusetts, didn’t take a salary for four years.”

“We’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life,” she added later.

Tithing, or handing over 10 percent of your income, is required by the Mormon Church. In the past two years alone, the Romneys have given $1.5 million and $2.6 million to the church, respectively, according to the tax returns they’ve already released. Overall, they gave $7 million to charity in 2010 and 2011, which is more than the $6.2 million they paid in federal taxes over the same time.

Ann Romney also echoed Mitt Romney’s response to ads from Barack Obama’s presidential campaign criticizing the company Romney founded, Bain Capital, for investing in companies that outsourced jobs.

“I’m not disappointed,” she said. “I’m not surprised. I believe it was beneath the dignity of the office of the president to do something as egregious as that.”

While the DNC felt the need to apologize for an ad using Ann’s dressage horse to illustrate her husband’s alleged “dancing” around the issue, Romney laughed it off during the interview and went on to predict victory for her husband.

“It makes me laugh, it’s like, ‘Really?’” she said. “There’s so many people out of work right now. And there’s this guy right here who has the answers for fixing the economy and all these attacks, they’re gonna try everything. And that is what people are going to have to ask themselves when they go in the voting booth in November: Are you better off now? Do you really think the future is going to be brighter on the path we’re on, or do you think we need a change?”

“Basically, my philosophy is they’re gonna fire the coach,” she continued. “I already sort of know the answer. At the end of the day, they’re going to fire the coach because things aren’t going well.”

The coach, she confirmed, was President Obama.


OP: That's Americans that are 'you people'. I'm British so I am 'them people'.

business, election 2012, money, mitt romney, usa, washington d.c., taxes

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