Russia ready for showdown with UK over arms being transported to Syria in cargo ship.

Jul 15, 2012 09:08

Russia is heading for a diplomatic stand-off with Britain over a cargo ship carrying helicopter gunships destined for Syria, which is accompanied by the Russian navy ( Read more... )

russia, war, middle east, doomsday, syria, attacks, military, nato, uk

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alicephilippa July 15 2012, 08:59:32 UTC
Pass me a large pinch of salt. It is the Daily Fail after all.

I'm not sure what they are doing in trying to stir up anti-Russian feelings. And tying it to a completely unrelated story, low very low.


atomic_joe2 July 15 2012, 18:30:32 UTC
Hmm I can see your point there. I actually read it in the Mirror but as I couldn't find their article online I had no choice but to post the Fail's as it was all I could find.


anjak_j July 16 2012, 00:00:26 UTC
I never thought I'd see the day when the Mirror would be considered a reliable news source when compared to another publication. (Mind, pretty much anything is more reliable than the Fail.)


romp July 15 2012, 18:32:50 UTC
If you google russia syria, you'll get several recent news stories including ones from the Telegraph and the Guardian.


alicephilippa July 15 2012, 18:45:27 UTC
I don't need to do that googling I read through the news sections of the Grauniad website most days, so I do know what is going on.

However, I do take the spin piut on stories by the Fail with a large pinch of salt, especially when they start linking unrelated stories. Don't forget that the Fail is aimed at the far right and not the centre ground and always takes a very negative stance hen anything to do with Russia hits the news.

Whether you agree with Russia fulfilling a pre-confict refurbishment contract on the helicopter gunships is one thing. Personally I don't think that they should be delivering them back to Assad's regime. Trying to link this to a story of a suicide bomber, and by implication suggesting that that suicide bomb is in part the responsibility of Russia is another thing entirely.


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