Judge Refuses To Block Florida Voter Purge

Jul 02, 2012 15:16


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- A federal judge has refused to stop Florida from removing potentially non-U.S. citizens from its voter rolls.

The U.S. Department of Justice sued the state to halt the purge, arguing it was going on too close to a federal election.

U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle said Wednesday that there was nothing in federal voting laws that prevent the state from identifying non-U.S. citizens even if it comes less than 90 days before the Aug. 14 election.

Hinkle ruled that federal laws are designed to block states from removing eligible voters close to an election. He said they are not designed to stop states from blocking voters who should have never been allowed to cast ballots in the first place.

Gov. Rick Scott praised Hinkle's decision, saying "irreparable harm will result if non-citizens are allowed to vote."

Source http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/27/florida-voter-purge_n_1631573.html

Ugh this is so unfair and unconsitutional , the republicans are playing so dirty it's unfair
we really cannot afford let Mitt Romney into the white house :X

voting, fuckery, florida

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