woman arrested for groping TSA supervisor

Jun 19, 2012 07:20

Despite the fact that thousands of TSA agents across the country engage in similar behavior on a daily basis, a woman was arrested after she turned the tables on the federal agency and groped a TSA supervisor in protest at her treatment.

Carol Price, herself a former TSA screener, was traveling to her brother’s funeral in Cleveland, Ohio by way of Southwest Florida International Airport.

After Price became infuriated at receiving a pat down, which included touching her breasts and genitals, a violation of the protocols she herself had been trained to carry out, the Lee County woman voiced her complaint to a TSA supervisor by physically demonstrating how she was groped.

The video shows Price briefly running her hands up and down the inside thigh and crotch of the TSA supervisor.

Price believed she was being targeted for harsh treatment by her former co-worker for personal reasons. She was removed from her flight, missed her brother’s funeral, handcuffed and taken to jail.

For demonstrating the kind of humiliation that TSA agents have become renowned for practicing, Price faces misdemeanor battery charges. She has pleaded not guilty.

Responding to the incident, the TSA claimed Price had carried out an act of “violence” by groping the TSA supervisor, while Price’s defense attorney John Mills contended that the treatment dished out to Price by TSA agents was far more invasive.

Indeed, if the TSA characterizes Price’s actions as violent, then tens of thousands of TSA agents are habitually carrying out acts of violence against the American people by subjecting them to degrading pat downs which often include physically touching travelers’ genitals.

Why are cops and FBI agents forbidden from touching American citizens without probable cause whereas TSA agents, who although festooned with badges and uniforms are not law enforcement officials, get away with behavior the federal agency itself characterizes as “violence” on a daily basis?

Price’s court date has been set for July 3rd.

source includes video

I am extremely curious to see how this plays out.

sexual assault, airlines, tsa, florida

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