Obama Lynched In Front Of Church By Koran Burning Pastor Terry Jones

Jun 08, 2012 15:47

Attention whore Pastor Terry Jones is at it again. Last time he threatened to burn Korans, and sparked off several days of violence in the Middle East. This resulted in the deaths of dozens across the region and placed our troops in further danger by stoking anti-American sentiment. Now he’s decided that hanging the President of the United States in effigy, in front of a church, is necessary and appropriate. Keep in mind, this in Florida, not Afghanistan or some other third-world hellhole where this sort of thing is common.

Jones released a video to go along with his lynching protest, in which he announces that Obama is “killing America.” He claims that Obama increased the deficit (he lowered it, actually), increased the debt more than every president before him combined (but leaves out the part where the increase is due to the budgetary disaster left behind by Bush, including two wars and massive unpaid-for tax cuts), and that he supports radical Islam (by killing more terrorists in three years than Bush did in 7, including bin Laden. If that’s “support” I’d hate to see what Obama’s version of opposition is). The mock president is holding a baby, presumably to symbolize abortion, and accompanied by a gay pride flag, an American flag and a mock Uncle Sam, Obama’s “victim."

Obviously Terry Jones watches a lot of Fox “News.”

When addressing the reason for symbolically hanging the president, Jones veers off into the surreal:

That is why we have now chosen the hanging of Hussein Obama to represent how the American people must, in a peaceful way, stand up and reject President Obama, reject his anti-American policies. It is time for us to stand up. It is time, again, for America to become America.

Because when most Americans think “peaceful” the first thing that comes to mind is a hangman’s noose. Makes perfect sense. Here’s the video (of a lunatic):

image Click to view

There’s a deeply racist component in depicting a black man being hung, especially in the South. Jones is surely aware of this, but, like most right wing demagogues, he’s perfectly content to invoke such imagery. Hate and intolerance is the fish and loaves of the right wing religious fanatic. If Obama had been a white man, this scene would have played out much differently. By the way, Jones is running for president. Seriously.

Religious extremism is almost just as much a problem in America as it is in the Middle East, and Jones is a prime example of the violence inherent among religious reactionaries. As long as we, as a nation, continue to pretend that only Muslims can be dangerous radicals, we’re ignoring the ticking time-bomb in our midst.


i know people like this do these things more for the attention than anything, but this is seriously just disgusting. Yeah, keep telling us it's his policies you disagree with and it has NOTHING to do with him being black...jfc

race / racism, religious politics, fuck this guy, fuckery, barack obama

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