Christian group condemns gay parenting ruling From:

Jun 01, 2012 13:59

A LANDMARK court decision to declare two men the parents of baby born through surrogacy is a "gross abuse" of the child's rights, a Christian lobby group says.

Managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) Jim Wallace also likened children in such situations to members of the stolen generation.

A NSW Supreme Court judgement handed down last month found it was in the child's best interests to have both Sydney men as parents, after the birth mother agreed to give up recognition on the birth certificate.

Justice Paul Brereton said he believed it was the first ruling under The Surrogacy Act, which was introduced last year and imposes strong penalties for people found to have entered into a commercial surrogacy arrangement in which a woman is paid to carry a child on behalf of others who cannot sustain their own pregnancy.

The ACL is now calling on governments to repeal all laws allowing gay and lesbian couples or single people to "acquire babies" through surrogacy.

"Love is not the issue here. Of course two men can love a child but they can never be a mother, no matter how hard they try," Mr Wallace said in a statement.

"The adoptive parents of many of the indigenous stolen generation also loved the children placed in their care but it was still a mistake to remove them from their biological parents."

He said reproductive-technology was created to help couples overcome medical issues, not to allow same-sex couples to have children.

"Babies should not be created to satisfy the lifestyle choices of singles and same-sex couples," he said.

"This selfish gay agenda knows no reasonable limits and it is time that political leaders began imposing limits on them to protect the most fundamental rights of children to a mother and a father."

Couples found in breech of the Surrogacy Act face penalties of up to two years jail or a $110,000 fine.

I mostly just want to know how much money I have to pay to punch Jim Wallace and other members of the ALC in the face repeatedly.


adoption, australia, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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