Spanish doctor ordered to pay for upkeep of child after failed abortion

May 25, 2012 12:33

A Spanish doctor has been ordered to pay for the upkeep of a child after a failed abortion operation meant the boy's mother was obliged to see her pregnancy through to the end.

In a unique case, a court in Palma de Mallorca ordered the unnamed doctor to pay almost €1,000 (£800) a month in maintenance for the child until he reaches his 25th ( Read more... )

spain, abortion

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othellia May 25 2012, 19:16:14 UTC
The mother sued the doctor for damages, with the court awarding her €150,000 (£120,000). It also decided the doctor and his insurer should pay maintenance of €978 a month for 25 years, or a further €293,000.

Is there a specific reason she's asking for 25 years of support when the age of majority in Spain (according to my googlefu) is 18? Like I understand that there are additional expenses and potentially college/university to think about, but she's already been granted $187,000 worth from him. The opening paragraphs of the article make it seem like he hasn't paid a thing.


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othellia May 25 2012, 19:37:22 UTC
Gotcha, that makes more sense.


kira_snugz May 25 2012, 23:46:23 UTC
i thought maybe that it was so he could use the money for college or university


rebness May 25 2012, 19:27:53 UTC
What soapinha said, I presume. Most of my Spanish friends still live with their parents (they're generally aged 24 - 30) but there isn't a stigma about it, which I admit I like.


kaowolfie May 26 2012, 02:52:55 UTC
Yeah, I wish the US didn't have such a stigma about living with your parents. I helped care for my father after multiple surgeries while living at home, and my husband helped his mom through a severe illness and kept her company during the week, since his dad's a long haul trucker. Thanks to them ordering us to bank what would've been rent money, we were able to afford a small house after we couldn't find a non-walk up apartment that took cats, and still have emergency savings.

soooo not seeing why we're bottom feeders or slackers or any of that. :P


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