Gay penguin couple given their own egg to rear

May 23, 2012 18:20

Two gay Gentoo Penguins, that have for six years yearned to be parents, have been given their own egg to rear in Madrid, reports say.

The two male penguins, Inca and Rayas, met at Madrid’s Faunia Park six years ago, and have been inseparable since then. However, they have been building a nest every year in the hope of being able to nurture a young penguin, to no avail.

The Times reports today that zoo-keepers will place an egg in their nest, in order for them to become parents.

Yolanda Martin, who takes care of the pair, told the newspaper: “We wanted them to have something to stay together for - so we got an egg. Otherwise they might have become depressed.”

Inca has apparently taken to the maternal role, perching upon the egg all day, while Ryas has assumed a more paternal role.

However, Ms Martin takes exception to the label ‘gay’ for the penguins, and insists that they are merely ‘good friends.’ However, local gay rights activists have taken the opportunity to point out that same-sex parents care as deeply and as well for their children as do heterosexual parents.

This is of course not the first time stories about gay penguins have surfaced. Buddy and Pedro, another gay penguin couple in Toronto, were separated briefly, much to the anguish of many, although they are set to be reunited at some point in the future.


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