2nd-grader Sean King gets in trouble for dressing in blackface as tribute to Martin Luther King Jr

May 20, 2012 11:27

Controversy erupted at a Colorado elementary school after a student arrived in blackface as part of a Martin Luther King Jr. costume for a class project.

Second-grader Sean King was asked to remove the makeup by officials at Meridian Ranch Elementary chool in Colorado Springs Wednesday, reported KRDO-TV.

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race / racism, naacp, *trigger warning: racism, martin luther king jr.

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theplanfailed May 20 2012, 17:22:18 UTC
Coming from Someone who cosplay's. I don't see why it's so offensive. The school, should have kept the racial issue in mond and assign historical figures according g to skin color. that way they could have avoided this. And seeing as how no one set down clear rules, I don't blame the parents. It makes sense. After all, Hannibal In The A-Team put on black paint in the Las Vegas episode in season 1. And as far as I know, no one cares. This is just stupid. I blame the school for not thinking about this in the first place. After all. When one cosplay's, accuracy is mostly what is gone for. And the kid obviously wanted to do it right, and he isn't black.

Yeah. I blame the school. They're a bunch of idiots.


lone_concertina May 20 2012, 17:31:33 UTC
If you assign research projects based on race you keep white kids from learning about minority contributions entirely since they're rarely covered in textbooks anyway.


theplanfailed May 20 2012, 17:35:32 UTC
I learned about MLK and other figures who weren't white. I think most,y because I was home schooled and loved history.
It isn't the best idea in the world. I agree. Only, I think the school should have done a bit more planning.


whatyouthinkiam May 21 2012, 04:12:31 UTC
IAWTC. So much this.


lickety_split May 20 2012, 17:37:28 UTC
This comment comes off as extremely dismissive. This is not cosplay.

I don't see why it's so offensive.


Hannibal In The A-Team put on black paint in the Las Vegas episode in season 1. And as far as I know, no one cares.


After all. When one cosplay's, accuracy is mostly what is gone for. And the kid obviously wanted to do it right, and he isn't black.



iamglory May 20 2012, 17:42:19 UTC
My eyes TOTALLY bugged out at the A-Team out of nowhere reference!!!


(The comment has been removed)

iamglory May 20 2012, 18:53:12 UTC
LMFAO LMFAO But it made me laugh.


baked_goldfish May 21 2012, 01:42:48 UTC
I for real stopped reading at that point.


theplanfailed May 20 2012, 18:08:22 UTC
I've all ready said it wasn't the best example in the world. Don't be disparaging or mean. I was home schooled. This whole public school dynamic doesn't even male sense to me. So, I went with what I knew as comparison. Which is what everyone does. Sorry to say. But we all compare situations to what we have lived. I see it differently than other people. I don't deserve to be punished or made fun of because I messed up.


iamglory May 20 2012, 18:15:16 UTC
DO NOT USE HOME SCHOOLING AS AN EXCUSE! Have you never been outside? Do you live in a barn in the middle of the woods in Montana and have never seen a person?! Do you live in a bomb shelter and just got the internet yesterday and have been made to watch A-Team and ANTM reruns for your entire life?!

I know that people who are home schooled sometimes have trouble with social experiences because they lacked them...but you now have the internet. If you can easily learn things from obscure 80s shows and ANTM you can certainly learn from the internet that this is not ok.

There is a difference between expressing your love of a different culture (Which I think is what COSPLAY is) and then totally being offensive to it.


perthro May 20 2012, 18:45:14 UTC
Um, I was homeschooled too... for most of my life... and I didn't have parents or anyone to teach me. My curriculum involved sitting down with a decade-old textbook and putting my face in it while going "WTF? Did we just jump, like 20 years here? WHAT HAPPENED IN BETWEEEEEN? And why didn't we cover the 70's-80s? But Pres Clinton is mentioned, so I KNOW there's some 90s stuff... WTF?" History. Yeah. I didn't have internet half the time either, which meant riding my bike 8 miles each way with a backpack, across a highway, to get books on whatever I wanted to know. And I wanted to KNOW, damnit ( ... )


lickety_split May 20 2012, 18:23:18 UTC
Don't be disparaging or mean. I was home schooled.


I don't deserve to be punished or made fun of because I messed up.

Not a single person in this thread so far has "punished" or made fun of you, we're telling you that your comments are ignorant and being dismissive of a very serious issue. You really need to further your education on this.


theplanfailed May 20 2012, 18:46:40 UTC
I've just been called a racist. If that isn't punishment than I don't know what is.
And I do not need education. People are just saying that because my opinion on the matter isn't the right one to have.
And what about that article a week ago about protecting speech others don't like? Am I wrong to assume that as an American I can't have an opinion unless everyone else thinks it's the right one? Obviously I have to agree with Everyone or get punished for it.


redstar826 May 20 2012, 18:54:35 UTC
You can have all of the opinions that you want, but when you air them publicly people might disagree with you. If you can't handle that, you would be better off keeping your opinions to yourself.


lickety_split May 20 2012, 18:55:19 UTC
What the blue fuck is this ignorant ass comment. You are excused from the table.


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