Rob Ford attends rainbow flag raising for IDAHOT, may have caught the gay

May 17, 2012 14:28

Surprise! Mayor Rob Ford appears at gay event

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford shocked gays, their parents and friends Thursday by appearing at a flag-raising event at city hall.

Ford had sent his regrets to organizers of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.

It is the first time Ford has appeared at a gay-related event, despite huge pressure after skipping all Pride events last year.

Councillor Gord Perks, who was to speak on behalf of Ford, instead introduced the mayor, who read the proclamation.

“Way to go mayor!” one man yelled before Ford spoke.

Asked how he felt being at the event, Ford said “Great” and stood back with councillors to listen to other speakers.

They included Councillor Janet Davis, who paid tribute to her gay son and said this was her first time at the ceremony as a member of PFLAG, a support group for parents of lesbians and gays.

About 20 minutes after arriving, with speakers still talking, Ford and his entourage suddenly set off at a brisk walk toward a side door to the council office area. A pack of reporters followed, asking the mayor why he changed his mind and if he’ll go to any Pride events but he remained mum.

Source has a gay friend

Lawl, congrats on doing your job, dude.

canada, how to win friends and influence people, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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