Nebraska Coach Makes Public Stand Against Gay Rights

Apr 29, 2012 10:03

While much of the sports world seems to be making an effort to be move away from its entrenched homophobia and be more inclusive of gays and lesbians - professional teams filming videos for the “It Gets Better” project and hockey’s new “You Can Play” initiative, for example - an assistant football coach at Nebraska believes that is going entirely in the wrong direction.

Ron Brown, an assistant on Coach Bo Pelini’s staff, spoke last month at an Omaha City Council hearing in opposition to an anti-discrimination ordinance being extended to protect gays and lesbians. Brown, outspoken in his belief that homosexuality is a sin in Christianity, has heard calls for him to be fired, but so far Nebraska seems disinclined to do so. University officials took issue with Brown listing his address as Memorial Stadium, which would imply he is speaking for the university and not only himself, but went no further.

But Brown told The Associated Press he would be “honored” to be fired for his religious beliefs.

“To be fired for my faith would be a greater honor than to be fired because we didn’t win enough games,” Brown told The Associated Press. “I haven’t lost any sleep over it. I realize at some point, we live in a politically correct enough culture where that very well could happen.”

Brown has been assailed by advocacy groups for his anti-gay stance, which many believe could promote a hostile atmosphere for gay athletes at Nebraska.

A member of the Lincoln Board of Education, Barbara Baier, has written to Nebraska calling for Brown to be fired.

“He says terrible things about members of my community-citizens of this country, people who have not committed any crimes,” Baier said. “He compares gays and lesbians to people who have committed crimes, people who are desiring to go and cause the destruction of the American family, and nothing could be further from the truth.”

Nebraska Athletic Director Tom Osborne told The Associated Press he does not have a problem with Brown’s public stance. “I think it’s important that there be clarity with what you do in your capacity at the university and what you do as a private citizen,” Osborne said.

Source doesn't need more reasons to dislike college sports.

god save us from your followers, sports, homophobia, fuck this guy, nebraska

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