In the wake of National Review’s decision to part ways with its longtime contributor John Derbyshire over a frankly racist provocation published in the far-right website TakiMag, the Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf exhumes a long-ago Derbyshire interview in which he discussed the generational divide in conservative attitudes on race:
… I frequently
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Comments 31
Right off the top of my head, I can't tell if Conor Friedersdorf thinks that this: They are, however, determined to make the multiracial society work, they believe it can be made to work in spite of the hustlers and liberal guilt-mongers, and they are unwilling to read, say, or think anything that could be construed as unkind towards people of other races. The pessimism and cynicism on this topic that you rather commonly find among conservatives - including NR readers - born in 1930, or even 1950, are profoundly unappetizing to these younger conservatives. is good or bad....
Or something. I dunno. The tone of the article is very downer.
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Which when I think about it, is little better or worse than the same said conservative leaning friends that used to make wide, loud generalizations about 'liberals' based on their understanding of the most radical and far left ass hats among us.
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Is there a pro side to racial profiling? Of wait, it's just that douchebag John Derbyshire spouting more stupid ignorant bullshit.
The only people who perceive a "pro" to racial profiling are the ones who usually never have to be subjected to it.
Funnily enough, that's a hallmark of white privilege: agreeing to absurd identity scrutiny and pretending as if it applies to everyone, when in reality, whiteness is automatically opted out of such demeaning processes.
So of course straight white cis men are predominantly keenest when it comes to treating dehumanizing notions -- like profiling -- as something "objective" and "logical".
It's funny, because you'd think one know better, what with the propensity of too many privilege white people to scream "Reverse Opresshun" at the slightest misinterpretation/identification of discrimination.
--But then if they recognized real oppression beyond using slurs, owning swastika tattoos, and burning crosses in someone's front lawn, we wouldn't be having this convo to begin with, now would we.
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