no more abortions in mississippi?

Apr 04, 2012 22:29

(CNN) -- Mississippi lawmakers passed a bill Wednesday that would require any physician performing abortions in the state to be a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist and to have admitting privileges at an area hospital.

The bill "should effectively close the only abortion clinic in Mississippi," said Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves in a statement. "This ( Read more... )

womens health, womens rights, mississippi, abortion

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Comments 26

dearmisterecho April 5 2012, 13:09:07 UTC
I just...

... )


wingstar102 April 5 2012, 14:33:19 UTC


daydream11 April 5 2012, 13:49:54 UTC
This kind I thing makes me so upset and angry. They aren't even pretending to be "pro-woman" anymore! The governor said as much! And I hope if this passes, that this:

if the goal of the legislation is to impose restrictions on abortion providers that are not imposed on other medical providers offering similar care, then "that would raise serious constitutional problems and a legal challenge would certainly be possible."

Comes to fruition. Because that's the entire point, right? And what if she needs an abortion because bringing a fetus to term would kill or seriously maim her? I realize they don't give a damn, but that's literally putting someone at needless risk of their very life. What about HER right to life?


callmepatsy April 5 2012, 14:07:05 UTC
"This legislation is an important step in strengthening abortion regulations and protecting the health and safety of fetuses"

There, made a little change so your statement is accurate. You're welcome.


wingstar102 April 5 2012, 14:34:10 UTC


erunamiryene April 5 2012, 14:57:11 UTC
The bill "should effectively close the only abortion clinic in Mississippi," said Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves in a statement. "This is a strong bill that will effectively end abortion in Mississippi."

And you're ... bragging about taking away Americans' access to a legal medical procedure?

And you DO understand that it won't END abortion, right? No, of course you don't. Because you don't want to take the time to examine things critically. You don't want to actually have to THINK about what you're doing. You just want to sit on your little religious 'crusade' that strokes your narcissism ("I SAVED LIVES OMGZ but don't examine that too closely because then you'll realize the lack of logic because now women are going to die but YAY BABBIEZ"), lets you tell yourself you're doing "god's work" (and really, that feeds right back into the first thing), and enables you to NOT REALLY DO ANYTHING AT ALL other than pontificate and show your ass to all thinking people. Nice job.

... )


fenris_lorsrai April 5 2012, 15:07:46 UTC
Requiring everyone to be an ob-gyn SOUNDS like it should improve health, but it does do several other sneaky things. The malpractice insurance for the clinic to already be insane... but ob/gyns run even higher. Let's bankrupt the place or at least drive up prices!

plus why should your surgeon need to keep a certification on this? spend time keeping up surgical credentials, or require them to also keep up ob/gyn credentials if they only do surgery?

PLUS, since it requires current certification, how is anyone supposed to LEARN? even if its a certified GP just looking to specialize, this means they couldn't learn how to do anything abortion related until they were completely certified. ditto surgeons. special in some type of related surgery? NO ASSISTING.


carmy_w April 5 2012, 16:19:31 UTC
For what it's worth, all three of the clinic's doctors are OB/GYNs, but only one of them has hospital privileges.

The article says most hospitals refuse to extend privileges to abortion doctors. This does not surprise me in the least.


fenris_lorsrai April 5 2012, 16:21:08 UTC
Yeah, that does seem like the easiest way to ban it without banning it. It was like getting tax stamps for things. you can HAVE it, so long as you have the tax stamp. No, we're issueing zero tax stamps for it this year.

couldn't ban it, so we'll do it the other way around.


carmy_w April 5 2012, 16:57:31 UTC
I've heard or read about around 4 different versions of this type of "ban" this year so far.

Nebraska law says you have to go get counseling from an approved pregnancy counseling place, but there aren't any approved places (or weren't when the law went into effect, at least).

Kansas law created 200 nit-picking regulations, just like this Mississippi law does, then gave two weeks between receiving the list and first inspection, and no extensions allowed. Since some of the regulations require full remodeling of the premises, and it takes a month to get a building permit....

They're all bullshit, though.


Maybe one of these days, any woman will be able to go into any hospital of her choosing, and her regular OB/GYN will be able to do an outpatient abortion, no questions asked (hoping/praying).


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