Frothy's Spokesperson: YOU'RE the Racist One for Hearing Santorum call President Obama the N-word

Mar 30, 2012 09:36

The Internet was buzzing on Friday morning that Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum may have almost dropped the n-bomb on President Barack Obama.

Speaking to a group of voters in Janesville, Wisconsin on Wednesday, the candidate seemed to catch himself before using a word that sounds like “n*gger” to describe the president.

“We know the candidate Barack Obama, what he was like - the anti-war government nig… America was a source for division around the world, that what we were doing was wrong,” Santorum said.

"Oh, come on!” Santorum spokesman Hogan Gidley told Raw Story when asked for comment. “Give me a break. That’s unbelievable. What does it say about those that are running with this story that that’s where their mind goes. You know, I’m not going to dignify that with [a response].”

“That is absolutely ridiculous.”

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“We know the candidate Barack Obama what he was like, the anti-war goverment nigg- uh, the uh… fffff... the uh... that America was a source for...”


god damn, gullible isnt in the dictionary, oh shit the internet is here, flames on the side of my face, the tea party is not racist!, #gurrrrrrrrrrl, race / racism, national tragedies, not the onion, rick santorum, people suck, fuck this guy, you have annoyed me for the last time, for great justice, america fuck yeah

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