Rick Santorum Catches Himself Midway Through Calling President Obama the N-Word

Mar 29, 2012 22:45

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Transcript: “We know the candidate Barack Obama what he was like, the anti-war goverment nigg- uh, the uh… fffff... the uh... that America was a source for...”

excuze me wtf r u doin, you stay classy, wtf, election 2012, dont cry for me argentina 09, oh shit the internet is here, not intended to be a factual statement, honkeyshines, stupid people, rick santorum, you have annoyed me for the last time, america fuck yeah, oh not this shit again, negro please, scumbags, reaction .gif post, barack obama, fuckery, natural disaster, republicans. lol, race / racism, fuck this guy, this is gonna be good

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