Of course he did.

Mar 26, 2012 11:46

O’Reilly Defends Geraldo Rivera On Hoodie

On Friday, Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera sparked a backlash when he seemingly blamed Trayvon Martin for his own death, saying the Florida teen should not have gone outside wearing a hoodie. “I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin’s death as George Zimmerman was,” he said.

Few came to Rivera’s defense, including his own son, who was ashamed of his father, according to Rivera himself. But on Friday night, Rivera finally found someone in his corner - Fox host Bill O’Reilly.

Appearing on The Factor that night, O’Reilly said he agreed with Rivera, explaining that he faced a similar public outcry over a separate event in which people thought the host was blaming the victim. Saying they were both simply offering “a cautionary tale,” O’Reilly said he and Rivera were doing the “exact same thing” and that “your advice was good advice, my advice was good advice.” “If you dress like a wannabe gangster, some knucklehead is going to take you at your word,” Rivera added. Watch it:

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source: http://thinkprogress.org/media/2012/03/26/451531/oreilly-rivera-trayvon/

Remember folks, if you meet the appearance requirements for someone else's definition of a 'wannabe gangster' you're just asking to be shot! So, as part of the All Knowing and Ever Wise, White Male Demographic, I just want to advise all People of Color in this community not to wear a hoodie, or they'll be gunned down by Racist Assholes. Oh, and Ladies, don't wear skirts, because Men will be overcome with lust and rape you. Women of Color, don't wear either, just wear a Hijab or something...wait, scratch that, then you'll be beaten to death by xenophobic assholes. JUST DON'T GO OUTSIDE.

bill oreilly is a terrible human being, thank you! fuck you!, not intended to be a factual statement, you have annoyed me for the last time, honkeyshines

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