Badass Maryland Governor Politely Tells Mitt Romney To STFU

Mar 23, 2012 01:58

Today, Mitt Romney is Romneying all over Maryland, probably doing awkward things like complimenting people on their oversized lava lamps, saying "y'all" and "cheesy grits," and suggesting that poor people should pay more for basic health care so that rich people can enjoy their constitutionally guaranteed yachts. But at least one Marylander wanted Romney to know that his policies regarding women's health aren't so welcome 'round these parts: the state's governor, Martin O'Malley.

O'Malley, a Democrat, tweeted a welcome message to the GOP Presidential hopeful earlier today, telling him that he's welcome to enjoy the state, but that in Maryland, women enjoy wide access to health care. So if he's got any big ideas about enlisting his sons to help him break into a women's hospital and steal all the speculums and mammogram machines, he's got another thing coming.

Governor O'Malley, former longtime mayor of Baltimore and President of the Democratic Governor's Association, has been on many political nerds' short lists for a possible run for the Presidency in 2016. While a lot can happen between now and then (Remember in early 2004 when everyone was all, "OMG John Edwards is so amazing!" and then he turned out to be in the process of impregnating Rielle Hunter behind the back of his cancer-stricken wife and then he said that he wanted to marry her on a rooftop in New York City while the Dave Matthews Band played in the background, aka the complete opposite of amazing?), if O'Malley does end up continuing to raise his national profile, here's hoping we see more Twitter sass in the future.

text of the tweet: "Welcome to MD @MittRomney. FYI, in our State we don’t try to take away women’s health services. We work to expand them."


oblig shirtless pic of Martin O'Malley at the 2012 Polar Bear Plunge.

maryland, lulz, womens health, mitt romney

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