Right Wing Journalism Fail: Breitbart.com Interviews ‘Bono’

Mar 21, 2012 17:49

This is just classic. Last night, the geniuses at Breitbart.com were trumpeting a HUGE EXCLUSIVE STORY, in which their ambush specialist Jason Mattera scored an EXCLUSIVE interview with U2 singer Bono.

Only problem with this BOMBSHELL: it wasn’t Bono. Apparently, Mattera encountered a guy with an Irish accent wearing sunglasses who looked sort of like Bono, and conducted an EXCLUSIVE BOMBSHELL INTERVIEW that blew up in his face: ‘DC’s Bad Boy Reporter’ Ambushes Bono Impersonator by Accident.

(Update: actually, this Bono impersonator doesn’t even have an Irish accent.)

When the mini-Breits realized that they had been bamboozled, they just 404ed the page, with no retraction or statement of any kind, and marked the video “private” at YouTube to hide the evidence of their hilarious screw-up.

But of course, the Internet never forgets, and now the heirs of Andrew are stuck in a moment they can’t get out of. Here’s a transcript of this BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE:

Mattera: By dodging taxes on royalties are you raiding the poverty programs you purport to champion?

Bono: No.

Mattera: No? Don’t you want governments to be generous with other people’s money and not yours?

Bono: I don’t have control over that…

Mattera: How do you not have control over that? It’s your company. Are you not in charge of your own company?

Bono: It’s not my company.

Mattera: You have no say in what U2 does?

Bono: Not particularly.

Mattera: You don’t? You don’t have a say in what U2 does?

Bono: No.

Help - I’ve started laughing and can’t seem to stop. Looks like it’s not going to be A Beautiful Day for the Breitbrats.

What a bunch of idiots.

(And by the way, these right wing masterminds still have not fixed the millions of broken links at their sites.)


Correction: buried at Breitbart.com, we find an Editors’ Note by Joel Pollak that admits no mistake:

Last night, we removed an article about Bono at the request of the videographer who had provided the links to the videos upon which the article had been based.

These people are pathologically unable to admit any errors, even one as ridiculous as this.


The video is just priceless. A few questions in the impersonator DEFINITELY knows what's happening and is more than happy to let Mattera dig himself deeper with his indignant questions. The scary music in the background is icing on the cake.

fail, media, lulz, andrew breitbart

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