Bunny Ranch pitches ad campaign to Limbaugh radio show

Mar 10, 2012 01:39

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"He said some bad things about prostitutes which we're not happy with," said Moonlight Bunny Ranch Owner, Dennis Hof. Hof is referring to comments made on the Rush Limbaugh show when the conservative radio host called a Georgetown University law student a "slut" and a "prostitute" because she urged lawmakers to consider the importance of contraception coverage. Limbaugh has since apologized, but has the damage already been done? It is reported that more than 40 advertisers are pulling their spots from his show.

Hof says he has a plan for Limbaugh. "We're going to let him redeem himself by being nice to legal prostitutes." Hof says he's willing to spend $1 million on advertisements. "Now is his chance to fix things. We think if he comes out now and supports the Bunny Ranch and real prostitutes, legal prostitution, it might make him look good," said Hof.

On top of advertisers backing out there are petitions gaining ground, demanding radio stations pull the show from their airwaves. KOH here in Reno had no comment when asked if they were going to pull the show.

Nevada Democratic Congresswoman Shelley Berkley is launching a petition to pull the Rush Limbaugh show off the air. Berkley is calling for her opponent and incumbent Senator Dean Heller, to sign it. "Instead of using his appointed Senate seat to be Rush Limbaugh's water boy, Dean Heller should put his money where his mouth is and join me in demanding his show be kicked off the air for his outrageous comments against women," said Berkley campaign spokesman Eric Koch.
Heller's camp fired back, "Dean Heller is already on the record saying Rush Limbaugh's comments are offensive. While Nevadans are looking for jobs and a stronger economy, the seven-term congresswoman is running a juvenile name-calling campaign. 'Water boy?' Sad," said Heller spokeswoman Chandler Smith.

And now, some are calling on Berkley, asking her why she does not denounce comedian Bill Maher as well. Maher has a history of attacking conservative women. Maher donated $1 million to "Obama's Super PAC."

"Shelley Berkley can’t play both sides of this issue. Will she continue her fight to defend women if it means going up against one of her political allies or is this just election-year hypocrisy? Shelley Berkley, where do you stand on Bill Maher?” said David Gallagher, Executive Director of the Nevada Republican Party.


sex work, not the onion, rush limbaugh, capitalism, advertising

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