Former GOP Senator Alan Simpson says Frothy is "Rigid and Homophobic"

Feb 23, 2012 13:08

In a recent episode of "Face to Face" with Bob Schieffer, former Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY)calls Rick Santorum "rigid and...homophobic" [at 4:40] and goes on to talk about how he's alarmed that Republicans are focusing on social issues:"I am convinced that if you get into these social issues and just stay in there about abortion and homosexuality and even mental health they bring up, somehow they're going to take us all to Alaska and float us out in the Bering Sea or something. And here's a party that believes in government out of your life, the precious right of privacy, and the right to be left alone, how then can they be, the hypocrisy of fiddling around in these social issues? We won't have a prayer." [at 3:10]
Said Simpson of Santorum:"He said, 'I want a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage,' and they said, 'Well, what about the people who are already married?' And he said, 'Well, they would be nullified.' I mean what is, what's human, what's kind about that? We're all human beings, we all know or love somebody who's gay or lesbian so what the hell is that about? To me it's startling and borders on disgust." [at 5:04]

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I also love how Simpson says that he's tired of Republicans giving each other the saliva test of purity and then loosing and "bitching for four years." Simpson was always too conservative on social issues for my liking, but even so he is a refreshing reminder that not all Republicans are contributing authors to the Everyone Thinks We're Insane-Os Home Journal.

Mods: Sorry about the previously-borked submission, if it pleases the comm I would like to plead insufficient caffeine.

newt gingrich, rick santorum, mitt romney, youtube, wyoming, marriage equality, republican party

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