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sex scandal =/= Rape aviv_b February 21 2012, 22:26:05 UTC
Not blaming the OP, but whoever wrote this aritcle is FOF (full of fail).

What's with "Few in France doubt that, but for the sex scandals, it would have been Strauss-Kahn and not Francois Hollande running against Sarkozy..."?

Sex scandals? Maybe this time, but where I come from rape is not a sex scandal. Nice way to minimize his behavior.


Re: sex scandal =/= Rape kalikahuntress February 21 2012, 22:32:07 UTC
Far too many articles say sex scandal to describe rape. I remember once when Oprah described a rapist who locked young women in his basement as a man who went on sexcapade....


13chapters February 21 2012, 23:22:11 UTC
omg this is such a problem in the media. I am so done with calling rape and assault a "sex scandal", but apparently the media isn't.


Re: sex scandal =/= Rape ms_mmelissa February 22 2012, 03:07:58 UTC


Re: sex scandal =/= Rape thelilyqueen February 22 2012, 04:40:39 UTC
I agree with your point, but wonder if it's a legal thing combined with sloppy wording. I have little doubt he was guilty of rape, but as far as I'm aware he was never convicted. That being the case, if they call him a rapist they're opening themselves to accusations of libel; mentioning 'scandals' is much less risky legally. But, they could very easily have written "Few in France doubt that, but for the accusations of sexual assault, it would have been Strauss-Kahn and not Francois Hollande running against Sarkozy..."


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