Jon Stewart Slams Liz Trotta's Views On Sexual Assault On Women In Military

Feb 17, 2012 01:12

A massive Trigger warning for rape.

Jon Stewart never misses an opportunity to mock an outlandish Fox News clip, but the latest soundbite he pulled regarding women in the military left him nearly speechless. Fox News contributor Liz Trotta made headlines Sunday when she reacted to a 64% rise in violent sexual assaults in the miltary by saying "What did they expect? These people are in close contact," among other controversial remarks.

Stewart was shocked by her nonchalance regarding women's safety, and her implied view that men can't help but assault their coworkers. "You know what they say, you can't make a co-ed omelette without raping a few eggs," he said, mimicking her audacity.

Stewart was even more "horror-tained" by Trotta's next remarks regarding military spending. According to her, abuse counseling and response efforts are "bureaucracy" and a waste of money on women who are simply "being raped too much". "Think of how much cheaper it would be for all of us if they were raped just the right amount," Stewart said, shocked.

For more, Stewart turned to Samantha Bee to get her take on Trotta's antiquated views on gender relations. Unlike Stewart, Bee totally gets it. Not only female service members but gal reporters, "teacherettes," lady doctors and other women should just expect to be sexually assaulted at work. "That's just the way it is when you're a woman intruding in a man's world," Bee said. "We expect to be paid slightly less and raped slightly more."

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The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10cV-Jay Jay Day - Samantha Bee's Apologywww.thedailyshow.comDaily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

OK Ontd_p, I know a lot of you are fans of the show.. what do you think, was this in poor taste? I definitely felt disgusted after it, most because of the guys in the audience laughing the loudest and, of all things, catcalling Samantha Bee.


jon stewart, the daily show, army, rape

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