Argentina minister to raise 'UK militarisation' at UN.

Feb 10, 2012 10:07

Argentina's Foreign Minister Hector Marcos Timerman is to lodge a protest at the UN on Friday against the UK's "militarisation" of the Falklands.

Mr Timerman is expected to hand the complaint to the secretary general and the president of the Security Council.

Last month, the UK said it was sending a destroyer to the region in March amid growing tension over the islands in a move described as "routine".

Prince William, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II and second-in-line to the throne, was also deployed to the islands in his role as a search and rescue helicopter pilot.

It has various options in both the Security Council and the General Assembly, but it is extremely unlikely that any of these would produce a legally binding outcome.


OP: I saw the president do a press conference where the backdrop was a map of the islands, whose population want to remain British, in the colours of the Argentina flag. Who's the colonialist now?

royal family

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