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popehippo February 2 2012, 21:01:10 UTC
“As a breast cancer survivor, I was always troubled with this whole idea that the nation’s largest abortion provider was enmeshed in the breast cancer fight when they weren’t actually doing mammograms. I look at this as smart stewardship.”



alierakieron February 2 2012, 21:02:22 UTC
Haven't you heard? Abortions and birth control cause cancer.



skunk February 2 2012, 21:20:40 UTC
I guess she must have missed the memo regarding the 700,000 mammograms Planned Parenthood has performed in the last year alone.


13chapters February 2 2012, 21:30:00 UTC
Do you have a cite for that? I saw someone say (in the comments to a news article, so, you know, totally reliable) that PP doesn't provide mammograms, so I'm googling around. And so far I haven't found any evidence that they do. I just see that they have breast cancer screenings, which are also valuable.


skunk February 2 2012, 21:39:25 UTC
this site seems to have a lot of info on texas specifically: http://mediamatters.org/research/201103310031

some states refuse to provide PP clinics with the licensing to operate mammogram, which forces them to work with outside sources to provide low cost mammograms. the whole 'pp doesnt provide mammograms' is really misleading - because in states where they cant perform them on site, they still provide funding and referrals for women to get them at low cost at partner clinics.


13chapters February 2 2012, 21:44:21 UTC
thank you! that was really informative.


kishmet February 2 2012, 21:57:48 UTC
Bookmarking, thanks! Not that the people I'm gonna link to it will read or believe it, but it's good to know.


pazinwar_amor February 3 2012, 01:59:00 UTC
Thank you so much for providing this link. I've yet to post in this comm, but I just had to in this instance. Thanks again :)


roseofjuly February 3 2012, 07:14:04 UTC
Not only that, but they do breast cancer screening in other ways. For younger women under 50, breast exams performed by providers are the cheapest and best way to screen.


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