Poll watch: Okay, you guys, I'm seriously scared now ...

Sep 30, 2008 14:14

... And not because even GW/Battleground Tracking, the most consistently Republican-biased poll on RealClearPolitics, is now giving Obama a two-point lead.

No, what scares the shit out of me is this:

Breaking News: Dick Morris' 2008 Election Map Shows McCain Losing Even More Ground

For those (like me) who can no longer do grade-school math in their heads, here's how it breaks down:

110 "strongly McCain" + 23 "leaning McCain" = 133 total electoral votes for McCain
291 "strongly Obama" + 64 "leaning Obama" = 355 total electoral votes for Obama

Holy shit.

But don't just take my word for it.

Quoth Jabba the Triangulating Mangina himself:
    Dick Morris' Analysis of the Map

    The polls now make it clear that McCain lost the first debate, and has lost ground during the entire gambit of suspending his campaign, going off the trail, going to Washington, and working on the bailout. He was tied, or 1 to 2 percent behind when he made the suspension announcement, and he is now 5 to 6 percent behind.

    The fallout in the electoral map does not make for a pretty picture. Core Republican states like Louisiana, Tennessee, West Virginia, Arizona, and North Carolina are now really toss ups, and even states like South Carolina and Georgia are in play.
Holy shit.

So, why does this scare me?

Because this is Dick Morris saying this.

As Jon Stewart said on The Daily Show, "In Dick Morris' defense, he is a lying sack of shit."

I mean, Dick Morris always lies. ALWAYS. That's his fucking JOB. I was actually able to trust him in that way.

But THIS? What the fuck is this? I mean, doesn't this mean, by definition, that MCCAIN is somehow winning the race now?

There must be some as-yet-unknown ulterior motive to all of this. There MUST be. It makes no conceivable sense otherwise.

electoral map, dick morris

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