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erunamiryene January 12 2012, 20:47:34 UTC
I ... have lots of things to say about this. I'll just sum it up with GOD FUCKING DAMN IT ARE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES FUCKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW. I get that you're taught to dehumanize the enemy, and i wouldn't be a sniper if you paid me, but there is no way you knew this wasn't fucked up. EVEN IF you didn't "see anything wrong with it", YOU KNEW IT WAS AGAINST GODDAMN REGULATIONS, and you fucking let someone videotape you doing it? You dumb fucking jackasses.

Fucking infantry. I don't care if that's not fair, I have met SO MANY FUCKING ASSCLOWNS in the goddamn infantry.

Here's the statement from the commandant of the Marine Corps:
HEADQUARTERS MARINE CORPS - "I have viewed an internet video that depicts Marines desecrating several dead Taliban in Afghanistan.

I want to be clear and unambiguous, the behavior depicted in the video is wholly inconsistent with the high standards of conduct and warrior ethos that we have demonstrated throughout our history. Accordingly, late yesterday I requested that the Naval Criminal Investigative Service pull together a team of their very best agents and immediately assign them responsibility to thoroughly investigate every aspect of the filmed event. Additionally, I am assigning a Marine General Officer and senior attorney, both with extensive combat experience, to head up an internal Preliminary Inquiry into the matter. Once the investigation and Preliminary Inquiry are complete and the facts have been determined, then the Marine Corps will take the appropriate next steps. Rest assured that the institution of the Marine Corps will not rest until the allegations and the events surrounding them have been resolved. We remain fully committed to upholding the Geneva Convention, the Laws of War, and our own core values."

At least they're not sitting on it. We'll see where they go with it after the investigation, though. All of them, including the asshole who filmed it TBH, should go to court martial, get busted down, and sent to the brig.


farchivist January 12 2012, 22:51:46 UTC
We'll see where they go with it after the investigation, though.

I am glad to see it's being taken seriously.
But yes, we'll see what happens. I am skeptical of real results.


erunamiryene January 13 2012, 04:11:01 UTC
Actually, given that the NCIS already has it, and they've already identified 2 of the assholes, I don't think they're going to dick around with it, TBH.

Plus, the current commandant is an air-winger, and air-wingers can't STAND grunts.


farchivist January 14 2012, 12:45:20 UTC
Excellent. I await further news of how they shall appropriately punish these recalcitrant miscreants.


roseofjuly January 13 2012, 06:02:40 UTC
I hate to generalize the infantry but it either seems to be made up of people who got stuck there and are pissed about it OR the kind of assclowns who WANT to be in infantry because they played too much Call of Duty and want to kill brown people. I'm not sure if that is a fair assessment, just...what I've seen.


erunamiryene January 13 2012, 06:15:54 UTC
That pretty much matches what I've seen.

Yeah, being in the infantry is hard, especially in a time of war, especially if you have a conscience. But it's not a "get out of being a decent human being" card. My husband was with 2d Marine Division for quite a few years. He deployed with them to the invasion. He deals with PTSD, memories from An Nasiriyah, and wrestles with whether he did the right thing. But he didn't desecrate bodies. He didn't act like a disgrace to the country. He chose to do the honorable thing (as much as one can in a war). Too many assholes in the infantry choose to be fuckheads.


roseofjuly January 13 2012, 07:57:21 UTC
I hope your husband is doing well and is able to handle his illness.

This is more or less OT but I really want to serve (either Air Force or Navy) and I more or less have to get a nursing degree to do what I want. My eventual goal would be to get my MSN in psychiatric/mental health nursing and serve at least in the Reserves. I feel like mental health is such a neglected area of care, especially in the military. People don't think about how war can really change the way you think, and even people without PTSD need some help readjusting to life at home after fighting in the battlefield for a year and a half.


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