SNP plan 2014 Independence referendum

Jan 11, 2012 06:31

Alex Salmond insists on independence referendum mandate

Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond has insisted his government has a mandate to hold a referendum on independence in the autumn of 2014.

It comes after ministers in London said such a move would be unlawful without Westminster's approval.
But a spokesman for Mr Salmond said Scottish National Party ministers were "entirely confident" of their plans.
The BBC's Nick Robinson says it could mean an historic Supreme Court struggle between Westminster and Holyrood.
Mr Salmond said the timing would allow people to make a "considered" decision on the country's future within the UK.
He said: "That's the first date where you can have a full discussion and preparation for the biggest decision Scotland is going to make for 300 years.

"I think you'll find the reaction of Scotland is that's a perfectly satisfactory date for the referendum.
"It makes sure that everybody's voice is heard in the consultation and all the questions that people have about the different constitutional formats can be answered and then we can have a proper campaign and debate.
"We've been thinking about these things for some time. I don't think this will come as a great surprise to anyone and I think it will enjoy general support."

In a row that could become a constitutional crisis, Mr Salmond accused the UK government of adopting a belligerent attitude.
Scottish Secretary Michael Moore said he hoped to work with the SNP government to resolve the dispute.
Mr Moore told the House of Commons that there would be a consultation on how to hold a referendum.
He has not stated when the coalition government would prefer a referendum to be held, but said he would like it to be "sooner rather than later".

In a statement to MPs, Mr Moore said the government's "clear view" was that the power to hold a referendum was "reserved" to Westminster under devolution laws passed in 1998 and that the Scottish government could not authorise a referendum on its own.
Mr Salmond said Westminster should "resist the temptation" to interfere in Scottish politics.
"I think the Westminster parties have got to start understanding - all Westminster politicians - that this has to be a referendum made, built, and run in Scotland," he said.

Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont said announcing the preferred date was a "panicked response from a panicked first minister". Ruth Davidson, leader of the Scottish Conservatives, said the "key issues" were what the referendum question would be and who would oversee the vote. Mr Salmond's spokesman said: "The timetable we have set out enables a full debate to be held, all the issues to be discussed and we are extremely confident of achieving a successful result."

Under the Scottish government's timetable, a referendum bill would be introduced at Holyrood in January 2013, it would be expected to be passed by the autumn and gain Royal Assent later in 2013. BBC Scotland correspondent Colin Blane says Mr Salmond's decision to announce the date of the referendum came out of the blue. SNP ministers had been bristling at Prime Minister David Cameron's comments on the timing and legality of their plans since the weekend, our correspondent added.
Big differences also remain between the two governments on the timing of the referendum, who would run it and on whether 16 and 17-year-olds could vote.


Well, that's the starting gun officially fired! A lot of people in Westminster and in unionist parties at Holyrood are trying to spin this as a panic from the SNP, but IMO they've had this date in mind all along - Cameron attempted a move he saw as calling the SNP's bluff by insisting on an early referendum, but Salmond's turned right back around with this plan. Personally, I can't wait - this is the biggest thing to happen in my lifetime since people voted to have our own parliament. There's no way Westminster can bully people into not having a third option, so called 'devo-max' where we get full fiscal autonomy but stay in the union in name - any wading in with big tackety boots would be a total political faux pas and might guarantee a yes vote to full independence. Hoping beyond hope for a yes vote - there is a myth floating around that the SNP want the referendum to happen on the date of the Battle of Bannockburn, which has really just been cooked up to make the SNP look hokey and petty, but a part of me kind of wants it to be true, so that I could maybe get a day late birthday present of independence! Also, if a yes vote happens, the street party will be amazing. What do you think, _pers? 

uk: conservative / tories, uk: labour party, scotland, uk

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